
Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
ecl::Bool< x >Integral constant wrapper for boolean values
ecl::enable_if< Condition, T >Enables the SFINAE concept
ecl::enable_if_c< B, T >Conditional class for (true) implementation of enable_if
ecl::enable_if_c< false, T >Conditional class for (false) implementation of enable_if
ecl::FailedObjectAn object designed to fail with compile time error upon instantiation
ecl::if_c< Condition, T1, T2 >The metaprogramming equivalent of the 'if' function
ecl::if_c< false, T1, T2 >Specialisation of the metaprogrammed 'if' statement when false
ecl::Unsigned< Signed >Primary template for signed to unsigned type metafunctions
ecl::Unsigned< char >Metafunction for char to unsigned char type conversions
ecl::Unsigned< int >Metafunction for int to unsigned int type conversions
ecl::Unsigned< long >Metafunction for long to unsigned long type conversions
ecl::Unsigned< long long >Metafunction for long long to unsigned long long type conversions
ecl::Unsigned< short >Metafunction for short to unsigned short type conversions
ecl::Unsigned< unsigned char >Metafunction returning same type for unsigned chars
ecl::Unsigned< unsigned int >Metafunction returning same type for unsigned ints
ecl::Unsigned< unsigned long >Metafunction returning same type for unsigned longs
ecl::Unsigned< unsigned long long >Metafunction returning same type for unsigned long longs
ecl::Unsigned< unsigned short >Metafunction returning same type for unsigned shorts
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Author(s): Daniel Stonier (d.stonier@gmail.com)
autogenerated on Fri Mar 1 15:20:38 2013