
Software router of messages.


class  Aseba::Switch


void Aseba::Switch::broadcastDummyUserMessage ()
virtual void Aseba::Switch::connectionClosed (Dashel::Stream *stream, bool abnormal)
virtual void Aseba::Switch::connectionCreated (Dashel::Stream *stream)
virtual void Aseba::Switch::incomingData (Dashel::Stream *stream)
void Aseba::Switch::remapId (Dashel::Stream *stream, const uint16 localId, const uint16 targetId)
 Aseba::Switch::Switch (unsigned port, bool verbose, bool dump, bool forward, bool rawTime)
 Broadcast messages form any data stream to all others data streams including itself.

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

void Aseba::Switch::broadcastDummyUserMessage (  )  [inherited]

Send a dummy user message to all connected pears.

Definition at line 132 of file switch.cpp.

void Aseba::Switch::connectionClosed ( Dashel::Stream stream,
bool  abnormal 
) [private, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from Dashel::Hub.

Definition at line 120 of file switch.cpp.

void Aseba::Switch::connectionCreated ( Dashel::Stream stream  )  [private, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from Dashel::Hub.

Definition at line 52 of file switch.cpp.

void Aseba::Switch::incomingData ( Dashel::Stream stream  )  [private, virtual, inherited]

Reimplemented from Dashel::Hub.

Definition at line 61 of file switch.cpp.

void Aseba::Switch::remapId ( Dashel::Stream stream,
const uint16  localId,
const uint16  targetId 
) [inherited]

Remap the node identifier for messages coming on a stream

stream the stream from which node id will be remapped
localId the new local node id to use
targetId the target node id to remap

Definition at line 144 of file switch.cpp.

Aseba::Switch::Switch ( unsigned  port,
bool  verbose,
bool  dump,
bool  forward,
bool  rawTime 
) [inherited]

Broadcast messages form any data stream to all others data streams including itself.

Creates the switch, listen to TCP on port.

verbose should we print a notification on each message
dump should we dump content of each message
forward should we only forward messages instead of transmit them back to the sender

Definition at line 38 of file switch.cpp.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Properties Friends Defines

Author(s): Stéphane Magnenat
autogenerated on Sat Mar 2 12:31:49 2013