Package roslaunch :: Module launch :: Class ROSLaunchRunner
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Class ROSLaunchRunner

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object --+

Runs a roslaunch. The normal sequence of API calls is launch() followed by spin(). An external thread can call stop(); otherwise the runner will block until an exit signal. Another usage is to call launch() followed by repeated calls to spin_once(). This usage allows the main thread to continue to do work while processes are monitored.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, run_id, config, server_uri=None, pmon=None, is_core=False, remote_runner=None, is_child=False)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature
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add_process_listener(self, l)
Add listener to list of listeners.
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launch_node(self, node, core=False)
Launch a single node locally.
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is_node_running(self, node)
Check for running node process.
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Same as spin() but only does one cycle.
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spin() must be run from the main thread.
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Stop the launch and all associated processes.
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([str], [str])
Run the launch.
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run_test(self, test)
Run the test node.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, run_id, config, server_uri=None, pmon=None, is_core=False, remote_runner=None, is_child=False)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

  • run_id (str) - /run_id for this launch. If the core is not running, this value will be used to initialize /run_id. If the core is already running, this value will be checked against the value stored on the core. ROSLaunchRunner will fail during launch() if they do not match.
  • config (ROSLaunchConfig) - roslauch instance to run
  • server_uri (str) - XML-RPC URI of roslaunch server.
  • pmon (ProcessMonitor) - optionally override the process monitor the runner uses for starting and tracking processes
  • is_core (bool) - if True, this runner is a roscore instance. This affects the error behavior if a master is already running -- aborts if is_core is True and a core is detected.
  • remote_runner - remote roslaunch process runner
Overrides: object.__init__

add_process_listener(self, l)

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Add listener to list of listeners. Not threadsafe. Must be called before processes started.


launch_node(self, node, core=False)

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Launch a single node locally. Remote launching is handled separately by the remote module. If node name is not assigned, one will be created for it.

  • node, Node - node to launch
  • core, bool - if True, core node

is_node_running(self, node)

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Check for running node process.

  • node, Node - node object to check


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Same as spin() but only does one cycle. must be run from the main thread.


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spin() must be run from the main thread. spin() is very important for roslaunch as it picks up jobs that the process monitor need to be run in the main thread.


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Stop the launch and all associated processes. not thread-safe.


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Run the launch. Depending on usage, caller should call spin_once or spin as appropriate after launch().

Returns: ([str], [str])
  • RLException - if launch fails (e.g. run_id parameter does not match ID on parameter server)

run_test(self, test)

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Run the test node. Blocks until completion or timeout.

  • test (Test) - test node to run