Video devices and video files

Collaboration diagram for Video devices and video files:


class  CVD::V4LControl


 Video buffers
 Video frames


template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * CVD::open_video_source (const std::string &src)
template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * CVD::open_video_source (std::istream &in)

Detailed Description

Classes and functions to manage video streams and present them as images.

Function Documentation

template<class T >
VideoBuffer< T > * CVD::open_video_source ( const std::string &  src  )  [inline]

opens a video device described by a video source url. This allows to decide at runtime what kind of video input your program is using. Basic use is to call open_video_source<T>(url) to get a VideoBuffer<T>*.

In many cases, the VideoBuffer returned by open_video_source() is a wrapper around the video buffer dealing with the hardware and so does not provide access to the controls. The underlying buffer can be accessed with VideoBuffer::root_buffer().

The url syntax is the following:

url		 := protocol ':' [ '[' options ']' ] // identifier
protocol := "files" | "file" | "v4l2" | "v4l1" | "jpegstream" | "dc1394" | "qt" | "colourspace"
options  := option [ ',' options ]
option	 := name [ '=' value ]

identifier and values can be quoted literals with escapes, all other text is unquoted. Some Examples:

Open a DiskBuffer2 for *.pgm in /local/capture/:

files:///local/capture/ *.pgm

Open a DiskBuffer2 that loops and uses a ReadAheadVideoBuffer wrapper with 40 frame buffer, with 30 fps:

files:[read_ahead=40, fps=30, on_end=loop]///local/capture/ *.pgm

Open a V4L2 device at /dev/video0:


Open a V4L2 device with fields on input 2:


Open firewire camera 1 with the default fps:


Open firewire camera 1, capturing in YUV411, at 30fps: colourspace:[from=yuv411]//dc1394:[fps=30]//1

Open an avi file relative to the current directory:


Open the first QuickTime camera and show the settings dialog


Open an HTTP camera. First create a named pipe from the shell, and start grabbing video:

mkfifo /tmp/video
wget http// -O /tmp/video

then open a source with:


If the argument is provided from a shell such as BASH, then then redirection can be used:

jpegstream://<(wget http// -O - )

Fields are: bool = true | yes | 1 ! false | no | 0 offset = <width>x<height> size = <offset> | qvga | vga | pal | ntsc | xga

Options supported by the various protocols are:

'files' protocol (DiskBuffer2):  identifier is glob pattern
		fps = <number>
		read_ahead [= <number>] (default is 50 if specified without value)
		on_end = repeat_last | unset_pending | loop (default is repeat_last)

'file' protocol (VideoFileBuffer): identifier is path to file
	   read_ahead  [= <number>] (default is 50 if specified without value)
	   on_end = repeat_last | unset_pending | loop (default is repeat_last)

'v4l1' protocol (V4L1Buffer): identifier is device name
	   size = <size>  (default is 0x0)

'v4l2' protocol (V4LBuffer): identifier is device name
	   size = <size> (default vga)
	   input = <number>
	   interlaced | fields [= <bool> ]
		   verbose [ = <bool> ]

'dc1394' protocol (DVBuffer): identifier is camera number
	   fps = <number> (default is camera default)
	   size = <size>
	   offset = <offset>
	   verbose [ = <bool> ]
	   reset [ = <bool> ]
	   mode | format7 | format7_mode = <number>

'qt' protocol (QTBuffer): identifier is camera number
	  size = vga | qvga | <width>x<height>	(default vga)
	  showsettings [ = <bool> ] (default 0)
	  verbose [ = <bool> ] (default 0)

'jpegstream' protocol (ServerPushJpegBuffer): identifier is path to file
	  read_ahead  [= <number>] (default is 50 if specified without value)

'colourspace' protcol (ColourspaceBuffer): identifier is a video URL
      from = byte | mono | gray | grey | yuv411 | yuv422 | rgb<byte> 
	         | rgb | bayer_bggr | bayer_gbrg | bayer_grbg | bayer_rggb  (default mono)

Definition at line 493 of file videosource.h.

template<class T >
VideoBuffer<T>* CVD::open_video_source ( std::istream &  in  )  [inline]

opens a video device described by a video source url given from an input stream. See open_video_source(const std::string &) for details on the url syntax.

Definition at line 359 of file videosource.h.

 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Author(s): Edward Rosten, Paul Smith, Tom Drummond, Gerhard Reitmayr, Ethan Eade, Timothy Gan, Chris Kemp, Georg Klein
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:13:34 2013