grasp_presenter Class Reference

This class is used to present the final list of planned grasps to the user. More...

#include <grasp_presenter.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

void chooseGrasp ()
 grasp_presenter ()
void showGrasp (int, bool)
void takeList (std::list< plannedGrasp * >)
 ~grasp_presenter ()

Private Member Functions

void breakContacts ()
void putHand (finalGraspPosition, bool)
void updateGlobals ()

Private Attributes

std::list< plannedGrasp * > graspList
 A list of the grasps being presented.
 A pointer to the render area for this presentation (not used yet).
std::list< plannedGrasp * >
 An iterator for the grasp list.
 A pointer the Inventor manager.
 A pointer to the hand used to present the grasp.
 A pointer to the world containing the hand.
 A pointer to the main viewer.
int processing

Detailed Description

This class is used to present the final list of planned grasps to the user.

After the tester has evaluated all of the candidate grasps, the sorted list of good grasps is passed to this class. Then each time the user pushes the show button, this class will handle presenting the next grasp in the list. Currently, this means that the hand in the main world/window is moved into the grasp configuration, and the grasp is evaluated again. It might make more sense to have these presentations take place in another window, so as not to move elements in the main world.

Definition at line 50 of file grasp_presenter.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

grasp_presenter::grasp_presenter (  ) 

Initializes a few variables.

Definition at line 99 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

grasp_presenter::~grasp_presenter (  ) 

Stub destructor.

Definition at line 110 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void grasp_presenter::breakContacts (  )  [private]
void grasp_presenter::chooseGrasp (  ) 

This is intended to allow the user to select which grasp they want to use for some operation. It is not currently used.

Definition at line 196 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

void grasp_presenter::putHand ( finalGraspPosition  fgp,
bool  render 
) [private]

Moves the hand to the final grasp position fgp , and render controls whether the motion is rendered or just the final position of the grasp.

Definition at line 207 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

void grasp_presenter::showGrasp ( int  next,
bool  render 

Presents the next planned and tested grasp to the user. Currently this is done in the main window, but it might be better to create a separate window for the presentation of the grasp. The sorted list of grasps to present is passed to this class with takeList . next has no effect right now. The idea was to be able to show previous grasps as well. render is passed to the putHand and determines whether the movement of the hand as it grasps the object is shown or not.

Definition at line 147 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

void grasp_presenter::takeList ( std::list< plannedGrasp * >  graspList_in  ) 

Sets the list of grasps to be presented to be graspList_in .

Definition at line 132 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

void grasp_presenter::updateGlobals (  )  [private]

Copies some global pointers for easy local use.

Definition at line 121 of file grasp_presenter.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

A list of the grasps being presented.

Definition at line 70 of file grasp_presenter.h.

A pointer to the render area for this presentation (not used yet).

Definition at line 67 of file grasp_presenter.h.

std::list<plannedGrasp*>::iterator grasp_presenter::it_gr [private]

An iterator for the grasp list.

Definition at line 73 of file grasp_presenter.h.

A pointer the Inventor manager.

Definition at line 64 of file grasp_presenter.h.

A pointer to the hand used to present the grasp.

Definition at line 58 of file grasp_presenter.h.

A pointer to the world containing the hand.

Definition at line 61 of file grasp_presenter.h.

A pointer to the main viewer.

Definition at line 55 of file grasp_presenter.h.

Definition at line 76 of file grasp_presenter.h.

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autogenerated on Wed Jan 25 11:00:21 2012