HandleDetector Class Reference

List of all members.


struct  Stats

Public Member Functions

 HandleDetector ()
void serviceThread ()
bool spin ()
 ~HandleDetector ()

Public Attributes

CvHaarClassifierCascade * cascade
sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr cloud_
ros::Subscriber cloud_sub_
boost::condition_variable data_cv_
boost::mutex data_lock_
sensor_msgs::CvBridge dbridge_
ros::ServiceServer detect_service_
IplImage * disp_
IplImage * disp_clone_
stereo_msgs::DisparityImageConstPtr dispimg_
ros::Subscriber dispimg_sub_
bool display_
int frames_no_
bool got_images_
sensor_msgs::CvBridge lbridge_
IplImage * left_
ros::Subscriber left_image_sub_
sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr limage_
ros::Publisher marker_pub_
double max_height_
double min_height_
ros::NodeHandle nh_
ros::NodeHandle nh_tilde_
ros::ServiceServer preempt_service_
bool preempted_
sensor_msgs::CvBridge rbridge_
sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr rcinfo_
IplImage * right_
sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr rimage_
ros::CallbackQueue service_queue_
boost::thread service_thread_
ros::Time start_image_wait_
CvMemStorage * storage
TopicSynchronizer sync_
tf::TransformListener tf_
double timeout_

Private Member Functions

void applyPositionPrior ()
 Filters cloud point, retains only regions that could contain a handle.
bool belongsToCluster (pair< float, float > center, pair< float, float > p)
 Checks if a point should belong to a cluster.
void cloudCallback (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud::ConstPtr &point_cloud)
bool decideHandlePosition (vector< CvRect > &handle_rect, geometry_msgs::PointStamped &handle)
 Decide the handle position from several detections across multiple frames.
bool detectHandleSrv (door_handle_detector::DoorsDetector::Request &req, door_handle_detector::DoorsDetector::Response &resp)
 Service call to detect doors.
double disparitySTD (IplImage *Id, const CvRect &R, double &meanDisparity, double minDisparity=0.5)
void dispimgCallback (const stereo_msgs::DisparityImage::ConstPtr &dinfo)
CvScalar estimatePlaneLS (sensor_msgs::PointCloud points)
 Computes a least-squares estimate of a plane.
sensor_msgs::PointCloud filterPointCloud (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud pc, const CvRect &rect)
 Filters a cloud point, retains only points coming from a specific region in the disparity image.
void findHandleCascade (vector< CvRect > &handle_rect)
 Start handle detection.
CvPoint getDisparityCenter (CvRect &r)
bool handlePossibleHere (CvRect &r)
 Determine if it's possible for handle to be in a specific ROI.
void leftImageCallback (const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &image)
void loadClassifier (string cascade_classifier)
void pointCloudStatistics (const sensor_msgs::PointCloud &pc, Stats &x_stats, Stats &y_stats, Stats &z_stats)
bool preempt (std_srvs::Empty::Request &req, std_srvs::Empty::Response &resp)
pair< float, float > rectCenter (const CvRect &r)
bool runHandleDetector (geometry_msgs::PointStamped &handle)
 Runs the handle detector.
void showHandleMarker (geometry_msgs::PointStamped p)
 Publishes a visualization marker for a point.
void subscribeStereoData ()
void syncCallback ()
void tryShrinkROI (CvRect &r)
void unsubscribeStereoData ()

Detailed Description

Definition at line 105 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

HandleDetector::HandleDetector (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 173 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

HandleDetector::~HandleDetector (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 214 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void HandleDetector::applyPositionPrior (  )  [inline, private]

Filters cloud point, retains only regions that could contain a handle.

Definition at line 999 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::belongsToCluster ( pair< float, float >  center,
pair< float, float >  p 
) [inline, private]

Checks if a point should belong to a cluster.


Definition at line 708 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::cloudCallback ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud::ConstPtr &  point_cloud  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 307 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::decideHandlePosition ( vector< CvRect > &  handle_rect,
geometry_msgs::PointStamped &  handle 
) [inline, private]

Decide the handle position from several detections across multiple frames.

This method does some simple clustering of all the bounding boxes and picks the cluster with the most elements.

handle_rect The handle bounding boxes
handle Point indicating the real-world handle position

Definition at line 739 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::detectHandleSrv ( door_handle_detector::DoorsDetector::Request req,
door_handle_detector::DoorsDetector::Response resp 
) [inline, private]

Service call to detect doors.

Definition at line 894 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

double HandleDetector::disparitySTD ( IplImage *  Id,
const CvRect &  R,
double &  meanDisparity,
double  minDisparity = 0.5 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 322 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::dispimgCallback ( const stereo_msgs::DisparityImage::ConstPtr &  dinfo  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 298 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

CvScalar HandleDetector::estimatePlaneLS ( sensor_msgs::PointCloud  points  )  [inline, private]

Computes a least-squares estimate of a plane.

points The point cloud
Plane in Hessian normal form

Definition at line 957 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::PointCloud HandleDetector::filterPointCloud ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud  pc,
const CvRect &  rect 
) [inline, private]

Filters a cloud point, retains only points coming from a specific region in the disparity image.

rect Region in disparity image
Filtered point cloud

Definition at line 429 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::findHandleCascade ( vector< CvRect > &  handle_rect  )  [inline, private]

Start handle detection.

Definition at line 659 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

CvPoint HandleDetector::getDisparityCenter ( CvRect &  r  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 494 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::handlePossibleHere ( CvRect &  r  )  [inline, private]

Determine if it's possible for handle to be in a specific ROI.

It looks at things like, height, approximate size of ROI, how flat it is.


Definition at line 568 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::leftImageCallback ( const sensor_msgs::Image::ConstPtr &  image  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 286 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::loadClassifier ( string  cascade_classifier  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 225 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::pointCloudStatistics ( const sensor_msgs::PointCloud &  pc,
Stats x_stats,
Stats y_stats,
Stats z_stats 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 374 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::preempt ( std_srvs::Empty::Request &  req,
std_srvs::Empty::Response &  resp 
) [inline, private]

Definition at line 942 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

pair<float,float> HandleDetector::rectCenter ( const CvRect &  r  )  [inline, private]

Helper function.


Definition at line 722 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::runHandleDetector ( geometry_msgs::PointStamped &  handle  )  [inline, private]

Runs the handle detector.

handle Position of detected handle
True if handle was found, false otherwise.

Definition at line 842 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::serviceThread (  )  [inline]

Definition at line 1080 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::showHandleMarker ( geometry_msgs::PointStamped  p  )  [inline, private]

Publishes a visualization marker for a point.


Definition at line 473 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

bool HandleDetector::spin (  )  [inline]

Needed for OpenCV event loop, to show images


Definition at line 1047 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::subscribeStereoData (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 237 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::syncCallback (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 261 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::tryShrinkROI ( CvRect &  r  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 518 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

void HandleDetector::unsubscribeStereoData (  )  [inline, private]

Definition at line 248 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

CvHaarClassifierCascade* HandleDetector::cascade

Definition at line 170 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::PointCloudConstPtr HandleDetector::cloud_

Definition at line 121 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

ros::Subscriber HandleDetector::cloud_sub_

Definition at line 134 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

boost::condition_variable HandleDetector::data_cv_

Definition at line 168 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 167 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::CvBridge HandleDetector::dbridge_

Definition at line 118 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

ros::ServiceServer HandleDetector::detect_service_

Definition at line 138 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 125 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 126 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

stereo_msgs::DisparityImageConstPtr HandleDetector::dispimg_

Definition at line 113 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 135 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 155 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 153 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 158 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::CvBridge HandleDetector::lbridge_

Definition at line 116 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 123 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 130 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr HandleDetector::limage_

Definition at line 111 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 141 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 151 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 149 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle HandleDetector::nh_

Definition at line 109 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

ros::NodeHandle HandleDetector::nh_tilde_

Definition at line 109 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 139 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 157 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::CvBridge HandleDetector::rbridge_

Definition at line 117 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::CameraInfoConstPtr HandleDetector::rcinfo_

Definition at line 114 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 124 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr HandleDetector::rimage_

Definition at line 112 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

ros::CallbackQueue HandleDetector::service_queue_

Definition at line 165 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 166 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 162 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

CvMemStorage* HandleDetector::storage

Definition at line 171 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 143 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

tf::TransformListener HandleDetector::tf_

Definition at line 145 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

Definition at line 161 of file handle_detector_vision.cpp.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Defines

Author(s): Radu Bogdan Rusu, Marius
autogenerated on Fri Jan 11 09:42:06 2013