Class UbloxFirmware8
Defined in File ublox_firmware8.hpp
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public ublox_node::UbloxFirmware7Plus< ublox_msgs::msg::NavPVT >
(Template Class UbloxFirmware7Plus)
Derived Type
public ublox_node::UbloxFirmware9
(Class UbloxFirmware9)
Class Documentation
class UbloxFirmware8 : public ublox_node::UbloxFirmware7Plus<ublox_msgs::msg::NavPVT>
Implements functions for firmware version 8.
Subclassed by ublox_node::UbloxFirmware9
Public Functions
virtual void getRosParams() override
Get the ROS parameters specific to firmware version 8.
Get the GNSS, NMEA, and UPD settings.
Configure settings specific to firmware 8 based on ROS parameters.
Configure GNSS, if it is different from current settings. Configure the NMEA if desired by the user. It also may clear the flash memory based on the ROS parameters.
Subscribe to u-blox messages which are not generic to all firmware versions.
Subscribe to NavPVT, NavSAT, MonHW, and RxmRTCM messages based on user settings.
Protected Attributes
bool enable_galileo_ = {false}
Whether or not to enable the Galileo GNSS.
bool enable_beidou_ = {false}
Whether or not to enable the BeiDuo GNSS.
bool enable_imes_ = {false}
Whether or not to enable the IMES GNSS.
ublox_msgs::msg::CfgNMEA cfg_nmea_
Desired NMEA configuration.
bool clear_bbr_ = {false}
Whether to clear the flash memory during configuration.
bool save_on_shutdown_ = {false}
virtual void getRosParams() override