rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl module
Data structures and library for representing ROS Computation Graph state.
- class rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.BadNode(name, node_type, reason)
Data structure for storing info about a ‘bad’ node.
- DEAD = 0
- WONKY = 1
- class rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.Edge(start, end, label='', qos=None)
Data structure for representing ROS node graph edge.
- end
- key
- label
- qos
- rkey
- start
- class rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.EdgeList
Data structure for storing Edge instances.
- add(edge)
Add an edge to our internal representation.
@param edge: edge to add @type edge: Edge
- add_edges(start, dest, direction, label='', qos=None)
Create Edge instances for args and add resulting edges to edge list.
A convenience method to avoid repetitve logging, etc. @param edge_list: data structure to add edge to @type edge_list: EdgeList @param start: name of start node. If None, warning will be logged and add fails @type start: str @param dest: name of start node. If None, warning will be logged and add fails @type dest: str @param direction: direction string (i/o/b) @type direction: str @return: True if update occurred @rtype: bool
- delete(edge)
- delete_all(node)
Delete all edges that start or end at node.
@param node: name of node @type node: str
- edges_by_end
- edges_by_start
- has(edge)
- class rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.Graph(node, node_ns='/', topic_ns='/')
Utility class for polling ROS statistics from running ROS graph.
- bad_update()
Update loop for nodes with bad connectivity.
We box them separately so that we can maintain good performance of the normal update loop. Once a node is on the bad list it stays there.
- set_node_stale(stale_secs)
Set the stale attribute of a node.
@param stale_secs: seconds that data is considered fresh @type stale_secs: double
- update()
Update all the stats.
This method may take awhile to complete as it will communicate with all nodes.
- rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.edge_args(start, dest, direction, label, qos)
Compute argument ordering for Edge constructor based on direction flag.
@param direction str: ‘i’, ‘o’, or ‘b’ (in/out/bidir) relative to start @param start str: name of starting node @param start dest: name of destination node
- rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.node_topic(node)
Undo topic_node() mangling.
Inverse of topic_node @return str: undo topic_node() operation
- rqt_graph.rosgraph2_impl.topic_node(topic)
Prepend space to avoid topic/node name aliasing.
In order to prevent topic/node name aliasing, we have to remap topic node names. Currently we just prepend a space, which is an illegal ROS name and thus not aliased. @return str: topic mapped to a graph node name.