Class BaseCalibration

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

  • public rclcpp::Node

Class Documentation

class BaseCalibration : public rclcpp::Node

Class for moving the base around and calibrating imu and odometry.

Public Functions


Create a base calibration instance.

void clearMessages()

Clear any received messages.

std::string print()

Print out current calibration state.

std::string printCalibrationData()

Print out the calibration data.

bool align(double angle, bool verbose = false)

Align to the wall.

  • Angle – angle to align to wall.

  • verbose – Should the console output be stupidly verbose?

bool spin(double velocity, int rotations, bool verbose = false)

Spin and record imu, odom, scan.

bool rollout(double velocity, double distance, bool verbose = false)

Move forward/backward and record odom and scan.