Changelog for package mola_lidar_odometry
0.4.1 (2024-12-20)
ROS2 launch: add ros argument for new option publish_localization_following_rep105
rviz2 demo file: better orbit view
ROS2 config file: define env vars for all tf frames (odom, map, base_link)
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.4.0 (2024-12-18)
demo rviz file: fix lidar topic name
Include /tf remaps too in ros2 launch
mola launch for ROS 2: Add placeholder for ros args parsing
mola launch for ROS 2: add env variables to quickly control verbosity of each module. Env. vars. are: MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_VIZ, MOLA_VERBOSITY_MOLA_LO,MOLA_VERBOSITY_BRIDGE_ROS2 (Default: INFO)
Support for ROS2 namespaces in launch file
docs; and fix launch var typo
ROS 2 launch: add more ros args
move MOLA-LO ROS2 docs to the main MOLA repo
Expose one more runtime param: generate_simplemap
clarify docs on sensor input topic names
runtime parameters: update in GUI too
publish ICP quality as part of localization updates
mola module name changed: ‘icp_odom’ -> ‘lidar_odom’
Do not publish localization if ICP is not good
Expose runtime parameters using MOLA v1.4.0 configurable parameters: active, mapping_enabled
docs clarifications
map_load service: allow not having a .simplemap file and don’t report it as an error
FIX: motion model handling during re-localization
Implement map_save
reset adaptive sigma upon relocalization
Implement map_load; Implement relocalize around pose
Forward IMU readings to the navstate fusion module
CI and readme: remove ROS2 iron
Merge branch ‘wip/map_load_save’ into develop
docs: add ref to yaml extensions
Add docs on 3D-NDT pipeline and demo usage with Mulran
parameterize maximum_sigma
CLI: add flag to retrieve all twists in a file; avoid use of “static” variables
LO: Add a getter for the latest pose and twist
doc: explain “no tf” error message
tune 3D-NDT defaults
Kitti and Mulran evaluation scripts: extend so they can be run with other pipelines
ros2 launch: Add ‘use_rviz’ argument
NDT pipeline: expose max sigma as parameter too
Avoid anoying warning message when not really needed
Extend options for GNSS initialization
Add docs on mola-lo-gui-rawlog
Default pipeline: reduce density of keyframes in simplemap
Docs: mola_lo_apps.rst fix PIPELINE_YAML var name
Update mola_lo_pipelines.rst: fix format
recover passing var args to mola-lo-gui-rosbag2 script
UI: show instantaneous max. sensor range too
FIX: formula for the estimated max. sensor range fixed for asymmetric cases
add new visualization param ground_grid_spacing
viz: grow ground grid as the local map grows
FIX: disabling visualization of raw observations left last raw observation rendered
fix: separate GPS topic and sensorLabel variables
Consistent GPS topic name
Add another env variable: MOLA_LOCAL_VOXELMAP_RESOLUTION
Expose new param for local map max size
enable the relocalize API
Expose fixed sensor pose coords as optional env variables
Readme: add ROS badges for arm64 badges
GitHub actions: use ROS2-testing packages
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.3 (2024-09-01)
default 3D pipeline: Expose a couple more parameters as env variables
Depend on new mrpt_lib packages (deprecate mrpt2)
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.2 (2024-08-26)
Support input dataset directories for split bags
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.1 (2024-08-22)
add missing exec dependencies to package.xml for mola-lo-* commands.
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco
0.3.0 (2024-08-14)
First public release
Contributors: Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco