Struct BridgeROS2::Params

Nested Relationships

This struct is a nested type of Class BridgeROS2.

Struct Documentation

struct Params

Public Members

tf frame name with respect to sensor poses are measured:

std::string base_footprint_frame

If not empty, the node will broadcast a static /tf from base_link to base_footprint with the TF base_footprint_to_base_link_tf at start up. Normally: “base_footprint”

YAML format: “[x y z yaw pitch roll]” (meters & degrees)

std::string odom_frame = "odom"

tf frame name for odometry’s frame of reference:

std::string reference_frame = "map"

tf frame name for odometry’s frame of reference:

bool publish_localization_following_rep105 = true

Direct mode (false): reference_frame (“map”) -> base_link (“base_link”)

Indirect mode (true), following ROS REP 105 map -> odom (such as “map -> odom -> base_link” = “map -> base_link”)

bool forward_ros_tf_as_mola_odometry_observations = false
bool publish_odometry_msgs_from_slam = true
bool publish_tf_from_robot_pose_observations = true
std::string relocalize_from_topic = "/initialpose"

Default in RViz.

bool publish_in_sim_time = false

If true, the original dataset timestamps will be used to publish. Otherwise, the wallclock time will be used.

double period_publish_new_localization = 0.2
double period_publish_new_map = 5.0
double period_publish_static_tfs = 1.0
double period_check_new_mola_subs = 1.0
int wait_for_tf_timeout_milliseconds = 100