Parser/Writer module for lanelet2
Lanelet2 IO
IO Module for parsing and writing LaneletMaps.
It contains a various reader/writer functions for different formats. Which format will be used is determined the extension of the given filename. If a writer/parser is registered for this extension, it will be chosen automatically.
Currently available IO modules are:
OSM (.osm) writes/loads specialized lanelet maps from OpenStreetMap html files. See maps module for a primer on this.
Binary (.bin) writes/loads the map to/from an internal bin format. Very efficient for writing and reading but not human-readable
Most IO modules require a projection from WGS84 (lat/lon) to a local metric coordinate system. To make sure the loaded map is correct in itself it is very important to choose the correct origin and the correct projector.
The origin should be as close to where the map is as possible.
For an overview on projections, have a look at the projection module.
Here is an example of how to read a file from .osm and write it back out as .bin:
#include <lanelet2_io/io.h>
std::string filename_in = "mymap.osm";
lanelet::Origin origin(49.0, 8.4);
lanelet::LaneletMapPtr laneletMap = lanelet::load(filenameIn, origin);
std::string filename_out = "mymap.bin";
lanelet::write(filenameOut, *laneletMap);