Class GazeboRosVacuumGripper
Defined in File gazebo_ros_vacuum_gripper.hpp
Class Documentation
class gazebo_plugins::GazeboRosVacuumGripper : public ModelPlugin
Vacuum Gripper plugin for attracting entities around the model like vacuum.
Example Usage:
<plugin name='vacuum_gripper' filename=''> <ros> <!-- Add a namespace --> <namespace>/demo</namespace> <!-- Remapping service and topic names --> <remapping>switch:=custom_switch</remapping> <remapping>grasping:=custom_grasping</remapping> </ros> <!-- Link associated with gripper --> <link_name>link</link_name> <!-- Max distance to attract entities --> <max_distance>10.0</max_distance> <!-- List of entities to be not attracted by the gripper --> <fixed>ground_plane</fixed> <fixed>wall</fixed> </plugin>
Protected Functions
void Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override
void Load(gazebo::physics::ModelPtr _model, sdf::ElementPtr _sdf) override