Class AbstractOcTree
Defined in File AbstractOcTree.h
Inheritance Relationships
Derived Types
public octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< CountingOcTreeNode, AbstractOcTree >
(Template Class OcTreeBaseImpl)public octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< NODE, AbstractOcTree >
(Template Class OcTreeBaseImpl)public octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
(Class AbstractOccupancyOcTree)
Class Documentation
class AbstractOcTree
This abstract class is an interface to all octrees and provides a factory design pattern for readin and writing all kinds of OcTrees to files (see read()).
Subclassed by octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< CountingOcTreeNode, AbstractOcTree >, octomap::OcTreeBaseImpl< NODE, AbstractOcTree >, octomap::AbstractOccupancyOcTree
Public Functions
inline virtual ~AbstractOcTree()
virtual AbstractOcTree *create() const = 0
virtual constructor: creates a new object of same type
virtual std::string getTreeType() const = 0
returns actual class name as string for identification
virtual double getResolution() const = 0
virtual void setResolution(double res) = 0
virtual size_t size() const = 0
virtual size_t memoryUsage() const = 0
virtual size_t memoryUsageNode() const = 0
virtual void getMetricMin(double &x, double &y, double &z) = 0
virtual void getMetricMin(double &x, double &y, double &z) const = 0
virtual void getMetricMax(double &x, double &y, double &z) = 0
virtual void getMetricMax(double &x, double &y, double &z) const = 0
virtual void getMetricSize(double &x, double &y, double &z) = 0
virtual void prune() = 0
virtual void expand() = 0
virtual void clear() = 0
bool write(const std::string &filename) const
Write file header and complete tree to file (serialization)
bool write(std::ostream &s) const
Write file header and complete tree to stream (serialization)
virtual std::istream &readData(std::istream &s) = 0
Read all nodes from the input stream (without file header), for this the tree needs to be already created. For general file IO, you should probably use AbstractOcTree::read() instead.
virtual std::ostream &writeData(std::ostream &s) const = 0
Write complete state of tree to stream (without file header) unmodified. Pruning the tree first produces smaller files (lossless compression)
Public Static Functions
static AbstractOcTree *createTree(const std::string id, double res)
Creates a certain OcTree (factory pattern)
static AbstractOcTree *read(const std::string &filename)
Read the file header, create the appropriate class and deserialize. This creates a new octree which you need to delete yourself. If you expect or requre a specific kind of octree, use dynamic_cast afterwards:
AbstractOcTree* tree = AbstractOcTree::read("filename.ot"); OcTree* octree = dynamic_cast<OcTree*>(tree);
static AbstractOcTree *read(std::istream &s)
Read the file header, create the appropriate class and deserialize. This creates a new octree which you need to delete yourself.
Protected Static Functions
static bool readHeader(std::istream &s, std::string &id, unsigned &size, double &res)
static void registerTreeType(AbstractOcTree *tree)
Protected Static Attributes
static const std::string fileHeader