Create3 Teleoperation

This package contains scripts and instructions for teleoperating the the Create® 3 robot using keyboard or joystick.

Keyboard Teleoperation

ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard

Joystick Teleoperation

ros2 launch create3_teleop

This will default to an xbox 360 controller, but can be easily overriden using the joy_config launchfile argument for any of the supported platforms. As of time of writing, these are:

  • Logitech Attack3 (atk3)

  • Logitech Extreme 3D Pro (xd3)

  • PS3 (ps3 or ps3-holonomic)

  • Xbox 360 (xbox)

Example for a PS3 controller:

ros2 launch create3_teleop joy_config:=ps3

Also, it’s possible to select the specific device to use with the joy_dev argument. It can be used as follows:

ros2 launch create3_teleop joy_dev:=/dev/input/js1