Launch files for common URDF operations
This package contains launch files and configurations for common URDF operations.
Load Description
Loads the URDF/Xacro robot model as a parameter, based on launch arguments
Launches a single node,
, with the robot model parameter.This results in the robot description being available as a topic.
The result is that you can perform the above actions with just 5 lines (not including boilerplate) in your own launch file.
from launch import LaunchDescription
from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.substitutions import PathJoinSubstitution
from launch_ros.substitutions import FindPackageShare
def generate_launch_description():
ld = LaunchDescription()
PathJoinSubstitution([FindPackageShare('urdf_launch'), 'launch', 'description.launch.py']),
'urdf_package': 'turtlebot3_description',
'urdf_package_path': PathJoinSubstitution(['urdf', 'turtlebot3_burger.urdf'])}.items()
return ld
Display Robot Model
When developing a URDF robot model, it is often useful to display just the robot model in RViz. display.launch.py
does the above tasks PLUS:
Launches RViz with a preconfigured setup
Launches a joint state publisher (with optional GUI)
This can be used in its own launch file, like the previous example, or can be done via command line, e.g.
ros2 launch urdf_launch display.launch.py urdf_package:=turtlebot3_description urdf_package_path:=urdf/turtlebot3_burger.urdf