Implementation of the interface for tracing with LTTng.
-*, session_name: str, ignore_error: bool = False, **kwargs) None
Destroy LTTng session, and check for errors.
Raises RuntimeError on failure to stop, unless ignored.
- Parameters:
session_name – the name of the session
ignore_error – whether to ignore any error when destroying
- Version | None
Get the version of the lttng module.
The module does not have a __version__ attribute, but the version is mentioned in its __doc__, and seems to be written in a consistent way across versions.
- Returns:
the version as a Version object, or None if it cannot be extracted
- Tuple[bool, str | None]
-*, session_name: str, base_path: str, append_trace: bool = False, ros_events: List[str] | Set[str] = ['ros2:rcl_init', 'ros2:rcl_node_init', 'ros2:rmw_publisher_init', 'ros2:rcl_publisher_init', 'ros2:rclcpp_publish', 'ros2:rclcpp_intra_publish', 'ros2:rcl_publish', 'ros2:rmw_publish', 'ros2:rmw_subscription_init', 'ros2:rcl_subscription_init', 'ros2:rclcpp_subscription_init', 'ros2:rclcpp_subscription_callback_added', 'ros2:rmw_take', 'ros2:rcl_take', 'ros2:rclcpp_take', 'ros2:rcl_service_init', 'ros2:rclcpp_service_callback_added', 'ros2:rcl_client_init', 'ros2:rcl_timer_init', 'ros2:rclcpp_timer_callback_added', 'ros2:rclcpp_timer_link_node', 'ros2:rclcpp_callback_register', 'ros2:callback_start', 'ros2:callback_end', 'ros2:rcl_lifecycle_state_machine_init', 'ros2:rcl_lifecycle_transition', 'ros2:rclcpp_executor_get_next_ready', 'ros2:rclcpp_executor_wait_for_work', 'ros2:rclcpp_executor_execute', 'ros2:rclcpp_ipb_to_subscription', 'ros2:rclcpp_buffer_to_ipb', 'ros2:rclcpp_construct_ring_buffer', 'ros2:rclcpp_ring_buffer_enqueue', 'ros2:rclcpp_ring_buffer_dequeue', 'ros2:rclcpp_ring_buffer_clear'], kernel_events: List[str] | Set[str] = [], context_fields: List[str] | Set[str] | Dict[str, List[str]] = ['procname', 'vpid', 'vtid'], channel_name_ust: str = 'ros2', channel_name_kernel: str = 'kchan', subbuffer_size_ust: int = 32768, subbuffer_size_kernel: int = 131072) str | None
Set up LTTng session, with events and context.
Initialization will fail if the list of kernel events to be enabled is not empty and if the kernel tracer is not installed.
Raises RuntimeError on failure, in which case the tracing session might still exist.
- Parameters:
session_name – the name of the session
base_path – the path to the directory in which to create the tracing session directory, which will be created if needed
append_trace – whether to append to the trace directory if it already exists, otherwise an error is reported
ros_events – list of ROS events to enable
kernel_events – list of kernel events to enable
context_fields –
the names of context fields to enable if it’s a list or a set, the context fields are enabled for both kernel and userspace; if it’s a dictionary: { domain type string -> context fields list }
with the domain type string being either ‘kernel’ or ‘userspace’
channel_name_ust – the UST channel name
channel_name_kernel – the kernel channel name
subbuffer_size_ust – the size of the subbuffers for userspace events (defaults to 8 times the usual page size)
subbuffer_size_kernel – the size of the subbuffers for kernel events (defaults to 32 times the usual page size, since there can be way more kernel events than UST events)
- Returns:
the full path to the trace directory, or None if initialization failed
-*, session_name: str, **kwargs) None
Start LTTng session, and check for errors.
Raises RuntimeError on failure to start.
- Parameters:
session_name – the name of the session
-*, session_name: str, ignore_error: bool = False, **kwargs) None
Stop LTTng session, and check for errors.
Raises RuntimeError on failure to stop, unless ignored.
- Parameters:
session_name – the name of the session
ignore_error – whether to ignore any error when stopping