<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="2">
We add 900 to the patch part of the version and then multiply it by 10,
i.e. our version = `(upstream_patch_version + 900) * 10`,
so we can have intermediate releases as well as release any future official 1.22.x versions.
This is basically packing the patch part of the version and a fourth version part together
into the third part of the version.
The use of `900` instead of something else like `100` is arbitrary, but it might
help people recognize that this is a "special" version number.
It is needed however, because we cannot have a leading `0` in our patch version.
Consider these possible future versions as an example:
1.22.9100 -> current state of this repository, 1.22.10 + some commits from us
1.22.9110 -> upstream 1.22.11
1.22.9111 -> upstream 1.22.11 + additional commits from upstream or us
1.22.9112 -> upstream 1.22.11 + additional commits from upstream or us
1.23.9000 -> upstream 1.23.0
and so on...
C++ implementation of Lie Groups using Eigen.
<url type="repository">https://github.com/strasdat/sophus</url>
<url type="bugtracker">https://github.com/strasdat/sophus/issues</url>
<maintainer email="d.stonier@gmail.com">Daniel Stonier</maintainer>
<author>Hauke Strasdat</author>