ros2launch.api.api module

Python package for the ros2 launch api implementation.

class ros2launch.api.api.LaunchFileNameCompleter(*, package_name_key=None)

Bases: object

Callable returning a list of launch file names within a package’s share directory.

exception ros2launch.api.api.MultipleLaunchFilesError(msg, paths)

Bases: Exception

Exception raised when multiple candidate launch files are found in a package.

ros2launch.api.api.get_launch_file_paths(*, path)

Return a list of paths to launch files within a given path.

ros2launch.api.api.get_share_file_path_from_package(*, package_name, file_name)

Return the full path to a file in the share directory of a package.


PackageNotFoundError if package is not found


FileNotFoundError if the file is not found in the package


MultipleLaunchFilesError if the file is found in multiple places


Return True if the path is a launch file.

ros2launch.api.api.launch_a_launch_file(*, launch_file_path, launch_file_arguments, noninteractive=False, args=None, option_extensions={}, debug=False)

Launch a given launch file (by path) and pass it the given launch file arguments.

ros2launch.api.api.parse_launch_arguments(launch_arguments: List[str]) List[Tuple[str, str]]

Parse the given launch arguments from the command line, into list of tuples for launch.

ros2launch.api.api.print_a_launch_file(*, launch_file_path)

Print the description of a launch file to the console.

ros2launch.api.api.print_arguments_of_launch_description(*, launch_description)

Print the arguments of a LaunchDescription to the console.

ros2launch.api.api.print_arguments_of_launch_file(*, launch_file_path)

Print the arguments of a launch file to the console.