py_trees.demos.stewardship module

A py_trees demo.

class py_trees.demos.stewardship.Finisher

Bases: Behaviour

Gathers blackboard data from other behaviours and prints a summary.

To be used at the end of the tree run.

update() Status

Fetch blackboard variables and print a summary.


Always returns SUCCESS.

class py_trees.demos.stewardship.PeriodicSuccess

Bases: Periodic

Write the period from Periodic as a variable on the blackboard.

update() Status

Run the Periodic update and write to blackboard.


Returns the Status of Periodic

class py_trees.demos.stewardship.SuccessEveryN

Bases: SuccessEveryN

Add a blackboard counter to SuccessEveryN.

update() Status

Run the SuccessEveryN update and write to blackboard.


Returns the Status of SuccessEveryN

py_trees.demos.stewardship.command_line_argument_parser() ArgumentParser

Process command line arguments.


the argument parser

py_trees.demos.stewardship.create_tree() Behaviour

Create the root behaviour and it’s subtree.


the root behaviour

py_trees.demos.stewardship.description() str

Print description and usage information about the program.


the program description string

py_trees.demos.stewardship.epilog() str | None

Print a noodly epilog for –help.


the noodly message

py_trees.demos.stewardship.main() None

Entry point for the demo script.

py_trees.demos.stewardship.pre_tick_handler(behaviour_tree: BehaviourTree) None

Generate a simple pre-tick banner printing to stdout.