
Vendor package for the MCAP C++ library.

Versioning notes

This project abides by the versioning guidelines in the developer guide.

The mcap_vendor semantic version is intentionally decoupled from the mcap library version defined in mcap/types.hpp. The mcap C++ library does not expose a stable ABI, so its version says nothing about ABI compatibility. The mcap_vendor package is intended to offer a backwards-compatible ABI within a given major version.

Side-Note: ROS 2 package versions defined in package.xml do not support additional labels or metadata after the patch version (eg. the -alpha.1 in 1.2.3-alpha.1).

  • We make no promises about ABI compatibility across any version of mcap_vendor in the Rolling release. Therefore, the mcap_vendor major version in Rolling is always 0. Major or minor revisions of mcap should result in a minor version bump of mcap_vendor.

  • In stable ROS 2 distributions, the mcap_vendor major version is set at some non-zero value.This major version should not be updated for the lifetime of that distribution, because that would indicate a change that breaks ABI compatibility.

  • When a new ROS 2 distribution is cut from Rolling, a new major version N is chosen and the mcap_vendor version is set to N.0.0.

  • The mcap version built by mcap_vendor in a stable distribution should not change. Neccessary bug-fixes should be maintained as patch files in mcap_vendor/patches, and these patches should not modify the mcap_vendor ABI.