What Is This?

The demos in this package are designed to showcase how developers can manually compose ROS 2 nodes by defining them separately but combining them in varied process layouts.

These can be done while avoiding code overhauls or performance restrictions.

This package consists of the following ROS 2 nodes:

  1. camera_node

  2. watermark_node

  3. image_view_node

  4. image_pipeline_all_in_one

  5. two_node_pipeline

  6. cyclic_pipeline

  7. image_pipeline_with_two_image_view

Through the use of intra-process (as opposed to inter-process) node communication, lower latency and thus higher efficiency is observed for ROS 2 topologies that utilizes this manner of communication.

The improvements in latency reduction are even more pronounced when applied to ROS 2 systems with more complex topologies.


colcon build --packages-up-to intra_process_demo


1. Two Node Pipeline

Run two_node_pipeline via the commands below:

ros2 run intra_process_demo two_node_pipeline

This sets up two nodes, a ROS 2 node that publishes a string with an incremeting integer value, as well as a ROS 2 node that subscribes to print the received string.

2. Cyclic Pipeline

Run cyclic_pipeline via the commands below:

ros2 run intra_process_demo cyclic_pipeline

Similar to the previous, instead of creating a new message for each new iteration, the publisher and subscriber nodes only ever use one message instance. This is achieved by having a cycle in the graph and kickstarting the communication externally by having one of the nodes publish before spinning the executor.

3. Image Pipeline All In One

Please ensure you have a camera connected to your workstation.

image_pipeline_all_in_one consists of 3 nodes, where camera_node publishes a unique_ptr message onto the topic, \image. Subsequently, watermark_node subscribes to the previous, republishes the image after adding a watermark on the topic, \watermarked_image, and the final node, image_view_node, subscribes to this last topic in order to display it for user.

ros2 run intra_process_demo image_pipeline_all_in_one

4. Image Pipeline All Separately

Please ensure you have a camera connected to your workstation.

In direct contrast with the previous, run the following commands in separate terminals to have camera_node, watermark_node and image_view_node all in their own process, utilizing inter-process node communication.

This starts the camera_node ROS 2 node and publishes images captured from your workstation web camera onto a ROS 2 topic labelled /image.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run intra_process_demo camera_node

This starts the watermark_node ROS 2 node which subscribes to raw images from ROS 2 topic /image, overlays both process ID number and message address on top of the image visually and publishes to ROS 2 topic /watermarked_image.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run intra_process_demo watermark_node

This starts the image_view_node ROS 2 node which subscribes to /watermarked_image and displays the received images in an OpenCV GUI window.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run intra_process_demo image_view_node

5. Image Pipeline With Two Image Views

Please ensure you have a camera connected to your workstation.

Similar to the Image Pipeline All In One, running image_pipeline_with_two_image_view will display the image process through intra-process communications.

However, it now instantiates 2 image_view_node ROS 2 nodes.

# Open new terminal
ros2 run intra_process_demo image_pipeline_with_two_image_view


1. Two Node Pipeline

When executed correctly, strings should be printed in the terminal similar to what is shown below:

Published message with value: 0, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
 Received message with value: 0, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
Published message with value: 1, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
 Received message with value: 1, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
Published message with value: 2, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
 Received message with value: 2, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
Published message with value: 3, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20
 Received message with value: 3, and address: 0x55B68BCC6F20

2. Cyclic Pipeline

When executed correctly, strings should be printed in the terminal similar to what is shown below:

Published first message with value:  42, and address: 0x555E4F029480
Received message with value:         42, and address: 0x555E4F029480
  sleeping for 1 second...
Incrementing and sending with value: 43, and address: 0x555E4F029480
Received message with value:         43, and address: 0x555E4F029480
  sleeping for 1 second...
Incrementing and sending with value: 44, and address: 0x555E4F029480
Received message with value:         44, and address: 0x555E4F029480
  sleeping for 1 second...
Incrementing and sending with value: 45, and address: 0x555E4F029480
Received message with value:         45, and address: 0x555E4F029480
  sleeping for 1 second...

3. Image Pipeline All In One

When executed correctly, an OpenCV GUI window should appear displaying something similar to what is shown below:

Take note how the process_id and Message Pointer Address are all the same, proving that all 3 nodes are in the same process.

4. Image Pipleline All Separately

When executed correctly, an OpenCV GUI window should appear displaying something similar to what is shown below:

Notice how all the process_id and Message Pointer Address are now all different, showing that all nodes are using different processes.

5. Image Pipeline With Two Image Views

When executed correctly, 2 OpenCV GUI window should appear displaying similar to what is show below:

For more details on this implementations, please refer to the references below.


  1. Intra Process Communication tutorial

  2. Intra-process Communications in ROS 2