flexbe_core.logger module

Realize behavior-specific logging.

class flexbe_core.logger.Logger

Bases: object

Realize behavior-specific logging.

static debug(text: str, *args)

Log debug.

static error(text: str, *args)

Log error.

static hint(text: str, *args)

Log hint.

static info(text: str, *args)

Log info.

static initialize(node: rclpy.node.Node)

Initialize the logger instance.

static local(text: str, severity: int)

Local logging to terminal.

static localdebug(text: str, *args)

Local debug.

static localerr(text: str, *args)

Local error.

static localhint(text: str, *args)

Local hint.

static localinfo(text: str, *args)

Local info.

static localwarn(text: str, *args)

Local warn.

static log(text: str, severity: int)

Log message.

static log_throttle(period: float, text: str, severity: int)

Log unique messages once and don’t repeat messages.

static logdebug(text: str, *args)

Log debug.

static logdebug_throttle(period: float, text: str, *args)

Log debug throttle.

static logerr(text: str, *args)

Log error.

static logerr_throttle(period: float, text: str, *args)

Log error throttle.

static loghint(text: str, *args)

Log hint.

static loghint_throttle(period: float, text: str, *args)

Log hint throttle.

static loginfo(text: str, *args)

Log info.

static loginfo_throttle(period: float, text: str, *args)

Log info throttle.

static logwarn(text: str, *args)

Log warn.

static logwarn_throttle(period: float, text: str, *args)

Log warn throttle.

static warning(text: str, *args)

Log warning.