Template Class Flags

Class Documentation

template<typename Enum>
class Flags

Convenience class for organising boolean flags.

This class organises a group of flags (via enums) in a convenient and typesafe manner. It is essentially a container for flags (in the form of enums) with a convenient interface on top.


  • Define an appropriate bit-arithmetic enum.

enum Settings {
    Fast   0x0001,
    Medium 0x0002,
    Slow   0x0004,
    Red    0x0010,
    Blue   0x0020

  • Pipe flags into the enum

settings = settings|Fast|Slow;

  • Set up a friend operator on the enum type for more convenient piping (see the dox).

  • Use one of the variety of mask/compliment/access operators for handling (see method documentation).

Public Functions

inline Flags()
inline Flags(const Flags<Enum> &other)

Default constructor.

inline Flags(Enum flag)

Copy constructor.

inline ~Flags()

Raw constructor.

inline void clear()

Clear all flags.

inline bool testFlag(Enum flag) const

Test current status of a flag.

inline operator int() const
inline Flags<Enum> operator&(int mask) const

Type compatibility with ints. Mask operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator&(Enum flag) const

Single flag masking operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator|(Flags<Enum> other) const

OR operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator|(Enum flag) const

Single flag OR operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator^(Flags<Enum> other) const

XOR operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator^(Enum flag) const

Single flag XOR operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> operator~() const

Complement operator.


Flags<Enum> : new instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator=(const Flags<Enum> &other)

Assignment operator.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator=(const Enum &flag)

Assignment operator.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator&=(int mask)

Self operating mask.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the masked flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator|=(Flags<Enum> other)

Self operating OR operation.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the masked flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator|=(Enum flag)

Self operating OR operation with a single flag.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the masked flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator^=(Flags<Enum> other)

Self operating XOR operation.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the masked flag set.

inline Flags<Enum> &operator^=(Enum flag)

Self operating XOR operation with a single flag.


Flags<Enum> : updated instance of the masked flag set.


inline friend Flags<Enum> operator|(Enum flag, Flags<Enum> flags)

Adding a flag (OR operation) to an existing flag set.


Flags<Enum> : resulting instance of the flag combination.