<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<package format="3">
  <maintainer email="">Austin Hendrix</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">Brice Rebsamen</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">Christian Henkel</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">Ralph Lange</maintainer>


  <url type="website"></url>

  <author email="">Brice Rebsamen</author>



  <!-- Usage of ament_lint_common is locked by
  For now, enable the linters that do support exlusions.
  Once all files are migrated to ROS2, all linters can be
  enabled vi ament_lint_common as the files are cleaned up. -->
  <!-- <test_depend>ament_cmake_flake8</test_depend> -->
  <!-- <test_depend>ament_cmake_pep257</test_depend> -->

