This is a ROS action definition.
# Parallel grippers refer to an end effector where two opposing fingers grasp an object from opposite sides.
sensor_msgs/JointState command
# name: the name(s) of the joint this command is requesting
# position: desired position of each gripper joint (radians or meters)
# velocity: (optional, not used if empty) max velocity of the joint allowed while moving (radians or meters / second)
# effort: (optional, not used if empty) max effort of the joint allowed while moving (Newtons or Newton-meters)
sensor_msgs/JointState state # The current gripper state.
# position of each joint (radians or meters)
# optional: velocity of each joint (radians or meters / second)
# optional: effort of each joint (Newtons or Newton-meters)
bool stalled # True if the gripper is exerting max effort and not moving
bool reached_goal # True if the gripper position has reached the commanded setpoint
sensor_msgs/JointState state # The current gripper state.
# position of each joint (radians or meters)
# optional: velocity of each joint (radians or meters / second)
# optional: effort of each joint (Newtons or Newton-meters)