Class Sphere

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class Sphere : public coal::ShapeBase

Center at zero point sphere.

Public Functions

inline Sphere()

Default constructor.

inline explicit Sphere(CoalScalar radius_)
inline Sphere(const Sphere &other)
inline virtual Sphere *clone() const

Clone *this into a new Sphere.

virtual void computeLocalAABB()

Compute AABB.

inline virtual NODE_TYPE getNodeType() const

Get node type: a sphere.

inline virtual Matrix3s computeMomentofInertia() const

compute the inertia matrix, related to the origin

inline virtual CoalScalar computeVolume() const

compute the volume

inline CoalScalar minInflationValue() const
inline std::pair<Sphere, Transform3s> inflated(const CoalScalar value) const

Inflate the sphere by an amount given by value. This value can be positive or negative but must always >= minInflationValue().


value[in] of the shape inflation.


a new inflated sphere and the related transform to account for the change of shape frame

Public Members

CoalScalar radius

Radius of the sphere.