Class BingSource

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class BingSource : public tile_map::TileSource

Public Functions

explicit BingSource(const QString &name)

Initializes a Bing map source with a given name.

Note that currently, only a single, hard-coded Bing map source is supported. There’s only one Bing Maps, after all. In the future, though, it would probably make sense to extend its functionality to allow pulling different tile sets from Bing.


name – The name the source will appear as in the combo box.

virtual size_t GenerateTileHash(int32_t level, int64_t x, int64_t y) override

Generates a unique hash that identifies the tile as the given coordinates.

Note that Bing Maps tiles could potentially be pulled from one of many different servers, depending on the subdomain list given to us after we authenticate with our API Key. That means the exact URL to any given tile should not be used as part of the hash, because there are many valid URLs for a tile.

  • level – The zoom level

  • x – The X coordinate

  • y – The Y coordinate


A hash that uniquely identifies this tile

virtual QString GenerateTileUrl(int32_t level, int64_t x, int64_t y) override

Generates a URL that will retrieve a tile for the given coordinates.

Since Bing can give us a list of subdomains to pull tiles from, the exact subdomain for a tile is chosen at random every time this function is called. That means you are not guaranteed to get the same URL for a tile every time you call this function.

  • level – The zoom level

  • x – The X coordinate

  • y – The Y coordinate


A URL that points to this tile

virtual QString GetType() const override

Returns a string identifying the type of map source (“wmts”, “bing”, etc.)


QString GetApiKey() const
void SetApiKey(const QString &api_key)

Bing requires an API key in order to access its tiles. The key provided will determine the URL we use to retrieve map tiles, so setting the API key will also cause this object to make a network request to the Bing Map server to get the appropriate URL.

More information about getting an API key:


api_key – A valid Bing Maps key

Public Static Attributes

static const QString BING_TYPE

Protected Functions

QString GenerateQuadKey(int32_t level, int64_t x, int64_t y) const

Bing Maps identifies tiles using a quadkey that is generated from the zoom level and x and y coordinates. Details on how the quadkey is generated can be found here:

  • level – The zoom level

  • x – The X coordinate

  • y – The Y coordinate


The quadkey that represents the tile at the requested location

Protected Attributes

QString api_key_
boost::hash<std::string> hash_
QNetworkAccessManager network_manager_
boost::random::mt19937 rng_
std::vector<QString> subdomains_
QString tile_url_

Protected Slots

void ReplyFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)

Protected Static Attributes

static const std::string BING_IMAGE_URL_KEY
static const std::string BING_IMAGE_URL_SUBDOMAIN_KEY
static const std::string BING_RESOURCE_SET_KEY
static const std::string BING_RESOURCE_KEY
static const std::string BING_STATUS_CODE_KEY