Class Transform
Defined in File Transform.hpp
Class Documentation
class Transform
The Transform class supports rigid transforms with only translation and rotation and no scaling/shear. It can be used in combination with Vector3, Quaternion and Matrix3x3 linear algebra classes.
Public Functions
inline Transform()
No initialization constructor.
inline explicit TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Transform(const Quaternion &q, const Vector3 &c = Vector3(tf2Scalar(0), tf2Scalar(0), tf2Scalar(0)))
Constructor from Quaternion (optional Vector3 )
- Parameters:
q – Rotation from quaternion
c – Translation from Vector (default 0,0,0)
inline explicit TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Transform(const Matrix3x3 &b, const Vector3 &c = Vector3(tf2Scalar(0), tf2Scalar(0), tf2Scalar(0)))
Constructor from Matrix3x3 (optional Vector3)
- Parameters:
b – Rotation from Matrix
c – Translation from Vector default (0,0,0)
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Transform & operator= (const Transform &other)
Assignment Operator.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void mult (const Transform &t1, const Transform &t2)
Set the current transform as the value of the product of two transforms.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 operator() (const Vector3 &x) const
Return the transform of the vector.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 operator* (const Vector3 &x) const
Return the transform of the vector.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Quaternion operator* (const Quaternion &q) const
Return the transform of the Quaternion.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Matrix3x3 & getBasis ()
Return the basis matrix for the rotation.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const Matrix3x3 & getBasis () const
Return the basis matrix for the rotation.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 & getOrigin ()
Return the origin vector translation.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE const Vector3 & getOrigin () const
Return the origin vector translation.
inline Quaternion getRotation() const
Return a quaternion representing the rotation.
inline void setFromOpenGLMatrix(const tf2Scalar *m)
Set from an array.
- Parameters:
m – A pointer to a 15 element array (12 rotation(row major padded on the right by 1), and 3 translation
inline void getOpenGLMatrix(tf2Scalar *m) const
Fill an array representation.
- Parameters:
m – A pointer to a 15 element array (12 rotation(row major padded on the right by 1), and 3 translation
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setOrigin (const Vector3 &origin)
Set the translational element.
- Parameters:
origin – The vector to set the translation to
- TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE Vector3 invXform (const Vector3 &inVec) const
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setBasis (const Matrix3x3 &basis)
Set the rotational element by Matrix3x3.
- inline TF2SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void setRotation (const Quaternion &q)
Set the rotational element by Quaternion.
inline void setIdentity()
Set this transformation to the identity.
inline Transform &operator*=(const Transform &t)
Multiply this Transform by another(this = this * another)
- Parameters:
t – The other transform
Transform inverseTimes(const Transform &t) const
Return the inverse of this transform times the other transform.
- Parameters:
t – The other transform return this.inverse() * the other
void serialize(struct TransformData &dataOut) const
void serializeFloat(struct TransformFloatData &dataOut) const
void deSerialize(const struct TransformData &dataIn)
void deSerializeDouble(const struct TransformDoubleData &dataIn)
void deSerializeFloat(const struct TransformFloatData &dataIn)
inline Transform()