Class NodeBaseInterface

Inheritance Relationships

Derived Type

Class Documentation

class NodeBaseInterface

Pure virtual interface class for the NodeBase part of the Node API.

Subclassed by rclcpp::node_interfaces::NodeBase

Public Types

using CallbackGroupFunction = std::function<void(rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr)>

Public Functions

virtual ~NodeBaseInterface() = default
virtual const char *get_name() const = 0

Return the name of the node.


The name of the node.

virtual const char *get_namespace() const = 0

Return the namespace of the node.


The namespace of the node.

virtual const char *get_fully_qualified_name() const = 0

Return the fully qualified name of the node.


The fully qualified name of the node.

virtual rclcpp::Context::SharedPtr get_context() = 0

Return the context of the node.


SharedPtr to the node’s context.

virtual rcl_node_t *get_rcl_node_handle() = 0

Return the rcl_node_t node handle (non-const version).

virtual const rcl_node_t *get_rcl_node_handle() const = 0

Return the rcl_node_t node handle (const version).

virtual std::shared_ptr<rcl_node_t> get_shared_rcl_node_handle() = 0

Return the rcl_node_t node handle in a std::shared_ptr.

This handle remains valid after the Node is destroyed. The actual rcl node is not finalized until it is out of scope everywhere.

virtual std::shared_ptr<const rcl_node_t> get_shared_rcl_node_handle() const = 0

Return the rcl_node_t node handle in a std::shared_ptr.

This handle remains valid after the Node is destroyed. The actual rcl node is not finalized until it is out of scope everywhere.

virtual rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr create_callback_group(rclcpp::CallbackGroupType group_type, bool automatically_add_to_executor_with_node = true) = 0

Create and return a callback group.

virtual rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr get_default_callback_group() = 0

Return the default callback group.

virtual bool callback_group_in_node(rclcpp::CallbackGroup::SharedPtr group) = 0

Return true if the given callback group is associated with this node.

virtual void for_each_callback_group(const CallbackGroupFunction &func) = 0

Iterate over the stored callback groups, calling the given function on each valid one.

This method is called in a thread-safe way, and also makes sure to only call the given function on those items that are still valid.


func[in] The callback function to call on each valid callback group.

virtual std::atomic_bool &get_associated_with_executor_atomic() = 0

Return the atomic bool which is used to ensure only one executor is used.

virtual rclcpp::GuardCondition &get_notify_guard_condition() = 0

Return a guard condition that should be notified when the internal node state changes.

For example, this should be notified when a publisher is added or removed.


the GuardCondition if it is valid, else thow runtime error

virtual bool get_use_intra_process_default() const = 0

Return the default preference for using intra process communication.

virtual bool get_enable_topic_statistics_default() const = 0

Return the default preference for enabling topic statistics collection.

virtual std::string resolve_topic_or_service_name(const std::string &name, bool is_service, bool only_expand = false) const = 0

Expand and remap a given topic or service name.