mavros.base module

class mavros.base.BaseNode(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: Node

Base class for mavros client object.

It’s used to hide plugin parameters.

get_topic(*args: str) str
property mavros_ns: str
start_spinner() Thread
property uas_settings: UASParams
class mavros.base.PluginModule(parent_node: BaseNode)

Bases: object

PluginModule is a base class for modules used to talk to mavros plugins.

Provides some helper functions.

create_client(srv_type: rclpy.node.SrvType, srv_name: Tuple | str, **kwargs) rclpy.node.Client
create_publisher(msg_type: rclpy.node.MsgType, topic: Tuple | str, qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile | int, **kwargs) rclpy.node.Publisher
create_service(srv_type: rclpy.node.SrvType, srv_name: ~typing.Tuple | str, callback: rclpy.node.Callable.([rclpy.node.SrvTypeRequest, rclpy.node.SrvTypeResponse], rclpy.node.SrvTypeResponse), **kwargs) rclpy.node.Service
create_subscription(msg_type: rclpy.node.MsgType, topic: ~typing.Tuple | str, callback: rclpy.node.Callable.([rclpy.node.MsgType], None), qos_profile: rclpy.qos.QoSProfile | int, **kwargs) rclpy.node.Subscription
get_logger(*args, **kwargs)
property node: BaseNode
exception mavros.base.ServiceWaitTimeout

Bases: RuntimeError

class mavros.base.UASParams(uas_url: str = '', fcu_protocol: str = 'v2.0', system_id: int = 1, component_id: int = 191, target_system_id: int = 1, target_component_id: int = 1, plugin_allowlist: List[str] = <factory>, plugin_denylist: List[str] = <factory>)

Bases: object

component_id: int = 191
fcu_protocol: str = 'v2.0'
plugin_allowlist: List[str]
plugin_denylist: List[str]
system_id: int = 1
target_component_id: int = 1
property target_ids: (<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>)
target_system_id: int = 1
property uas_ids: (<class 'int'>, <class 'int'>)
uas_url: str = ''
mavros.base.wait_for_service(client: rclpy.node.Client, lg: Any | None)