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What is libpointmatcher about?

libpointmatcher is a library that implements the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm for alignment of point clouds. It supports both point-to-point and point-to-plane ICP. With the former, it is able to solve not only for a rigid transform, but also for a scale change between the clouds (that is, a similarity transform).

More precisely, given two point clouds, R (the reference) and S (the source), ICP tries to find the best rigid (or similarity) transform T so that T * S = R.

The Wikipedia article on ICP has more information.

libpointmatcher implements a set of filters to help denoise and subsample the input point clouds. It supports a variety of file types and it can be configured via both YAML files and an in-memory API.

libpointmatcher is written in C++.


This page lists the available tutorials for libpointmatcher. The Beginner section is aimed at the more casual user and contains high-level information on the various steps of point cloud registration. The Advanced section is targeted at those with existing experience with point cloud registration and proficiency in C++ development. Those who wish to contribute to libpointmatcher can follow the guidelines in the Developer section. Finally, the Python section is intended for those who are interested in using libpointmatcher with Python.





Note: if you don’t find what you need, don’t hesitate to propose or participate to new tutorials.