Enum ErrorFlag

Enum Documentation

enum ecl::ErrorFlag

Enumerated flags for error message handling.

These are simple flags to identify the type of error when it occurs. Use with the Error class (and its child classes, e.g. TimeError) to identify errors and get verbose string output when debugging.


enumerator NoError

No error (often a meaningful error state in itself).

enumerator UnknownError

Unknown error type.

enumerator OutOfRangeError

Tried to access beyond the range of the object (usually container).

enumerator ConstructorError

An error occurred somewhere inside a class constructor.

enumerator DestructorError

The destructor failed to self-destruct.

enumerator ConversionError

A conversion (usually between types) failed.

enumerator OpenError

Failed to open an input/output device.

enumerator CloseError

Failed to close an input/output device.

enumerator InvalidArgError

The user entered an invalid argument to this method, c.f. InvalidObjectError.

enumerator ConfigurationError

There was a configuration error (usually in a configure() or initialise() method).

enumerator ConnectionError

There was a connection error, usually with input-output devices.

enumerator ReadError

There was a read error, usually with input-output devices.

enumerator WriteError

There was a write error, usually with input-output devices.

enumerator NotInitialisedError

The target object has not yet been initialised, accessing before doing so is not permitted.

enumerator PermissionsError

The caller does not have the required permissions.

enumerator MemoryError

There was a problem allocating the requested memory.

enumerator UsageError

The object was used incorrectly and caused an error.

enumerator RaiiError

The object is pure RAII style and must be initialised properly.

enumerator ArgNotSupportedError

The combination of input arguments is not supported on this platform.

enumerator NotSupportedError

This operation is not supported on this platform.

enumerator BusyError

Resources are busy, operation is not permitted.

enumerator OutOfResourcesError

Out of resources, cannot proceed.

enumerator InterruptedError

This operation was interrupted.

enumerator BlockingError

A device marked as blocking, but used as non-blocking, or vice versa.

enumerator SystemFailureError

A subcomponent of the system platform has failed (e.g. io subsystem).

enumerator InvalidObjectError

Attempted to work on an invalid object (e.g. dir instead of a file), c.f. InvalidArgError

enumerator IsLockedError

Invalidates attempts to work further because an object is locked.

enumerator TimeOutError

A timeout occured.

enumerator NotFoundError

An object was not found.

enumerator ConnectionRefusedError

A connection was refused by the other end (e.g. socket client server connections).

enumerator PosixError


enumerator InvalidInputError
