.. include:: /include.txt .. _configuration_options: ======== ecal.ini ======== eCAL has many options that can be configured via an .ini file which is located at: * |fa-windows| Windows: |ecalini-path-windows| * |fa-ubuntu| Ubuntu: |ecalini-path-ubuntu| Loading strategy (Priority) =========================== The eCAL configuration file is loaded based on the following priorities, whereever it is found first. If you want a specific eCAL Node to run with another ``ecal.ini`` than the others, you can set the ``ECAL_DATA`` variable before starting the process, e.g. from a batch or shell skript. In addition, some eCAL applications support providing a path from the command line option ``--ecal-ini-file``. .. important:: This loading strategy is valid for eCAL 5.10 and up. - |fa-windows| Windows: 1. ``%ECAL_DATA%/ecal.ini`` 2. ``%ProgramData%/ecal/ecal.ini`` - |fa-ubuntu| Ubuntu: 1. ``$ECAL_DATA/ecal.ini`` 2. ``/etc/ecal/ecal.ini`` (from ``CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR``) 3. ``/etc/ecal/ecal.ini`` (fallback) .. note:: This second path is set from CMake to ``CMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR/ecal/ecal.ini``. Official builds are configured to use ``/etc``. If you are compiling eCAL yourself and don't provide the SYSCONFDIR, CMake will usually use ``/usr/local/etc/ecal/ecal.ini``. ecal.ini options ================ [network] --------- The network setting drive how and which ... .. option:: network_enabled ``true`` / ``false``, default: ``true`` ``true`` = all eCAL components communicate over network boundaries ``false`` = local host only communication .. option:: multicast_config_version ``v1`` / ``v2``, default: ``v1`` UDP configuration version (Since eCAL 5.12.) ``v1`` = default behavior ``v2`` = new behavior, comes with a bit more intuitive handling regarding masking of the groups .. option:: multicast_group IPV4 Adress, default ```` UDP multicast group base. All registration and logging information is sent on this address. .. option:: multicast_mask ``v1`` **behavior:** ````-```` Mask maximum number of dynamic multicast group ``v2`` **behavior:** ````-```` Mask for the multicast group. Topic traffic may be set on any of the unmasked addresses. With ``multicast_group``: ```` and ``multicast_mask``: ````, topic traffic will be sent on addresses ````-````. .. option:: multicast_port ``14000 + x`` UDP multicast port number (eCAL will use at least the 2 following port numbers too, so please modify in steps of 10 (e.g. 1010, 1020 ...) .. option:: multicast_ttl ``0 + x`` UDP ttl value, also known as hop limit, is used in determining the intermediate routers being traversed towards the destination .. option:: multicast_sndbuf ``1024 * x`` UDP send buffer in bytes .. option:: multicast_rcvbuf ``1024 * x`` UDP receive buffer in bytes .. option:: bandwidth_max_udp ``1048576`` UDP bandwidth limit for eCAL udp layer (-1 == unlimited) .. option:: shm_rec_enabled ``true`` Enable to receive on eCAL shared memory layer .. option:: udp_mc_rec_enabled ``true`` Enable to receive on eCAL udp multicast layer .. option:: npcap_enabled ``false`` Enable to receive UDP traffic with the Npcap based receiver [common] -------- .. option:: registration_timeout ``1000 + (x * 1000)``, default ``60000`` timeout for topic registration in ms .. option:: registration_refresh ``< registration_timeout/2``, default ``1000`` topic registration refresh cylce (has to be smaller then registration timeout !) [time] ------ .. option:: timesync_module_rt default: ``"ecaltime-localtime"`` module (dll / so) name time sync interface. The name will be extended with debug suffix (d) and platform extension (.dll|.so) Available modules are: - ecaltime-localtime local system time without synchronization - ecaltime-linuxptp For PTP / gPTP synchronization over ethernet on Linux (device configuration in ecaltime.ini) - ecaltime-simtime Simulation time as published by the eCAL Player. [process] --------- .. _ecalini_option_terminal_emulator: .. option:: terminal_emulator default: ``""`` command for starting applications with an external terminal emulator. If empty, the command will be ignored. Ignored on Windows. e.g: - ``/usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator -e`` - ``/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -x`` - ``/usr/bin/xterm -e`` [publisher] ----------- .. option:: use_shm use shared memory transport layer - 0 = off - 1 = on - 2 = auto default = 2 .. option:: use_udp_mc use udp multicast transport layer - 0 = off - 1 = on - 2 = auto default = 2 .. option:: memfile_minsize = x * 4096 kB default memory file size for new publisher (``x * 4096 kB``) default = 4096 .. option:: memfile_reserve dynamic file size reserve before recreating memory file if topic size changes (``20 .. x``) default = 50 .. option:: memfile_ack_timeout Publisher timeout for ack event from subscriber that memory file content is processed default = 0 .. option:: share_ttype share topic type via registration layer ( ``0, 1``) default = 1 .. option:: share_tdesc share topic description via registration layer ( ``0, 1``) If set to 0, reflection is completely disabled. It is not possible then to monitor the content of messages in the eCAL Monitor. default = 1 [monitoring] ------------ Monitor settings are listed in the section ``monitoring`` .. option:: timeout timeout for topic monitoring in ms (``1000 + (x * 1000)``) If no additional registration information for the topic has be received in that time period, topics will no longer be shown in eCAL Monitor. default = 5000 .. option:: filter_excl topics blacklist as regular expression (will not be monitored) Per default includes all eCAL internal topics. default = ``^__.*$`` .. option:: filter_incl topics whitelist as regular expression (will be monitored only) default = `` `` .. option:: filter_log_con log messages to console (all, info, warning, error, fatal, debug1, debug2, debug3, debug4) default = ``error, fatal`` .. option:: filter_log_file log messages to log file default = ``error, fatal`` .. option:: filter_log_udp log messages to udp bus default = ``info, warning, error, fatal`` [sys] ----- .. option:: filter_excl Apps blacklist to be excluded when importing tasks from cloud.