
This is a ROS message definition.


uint8 source

uint8 NONE=0               # No source for watchdog counter fault
uint8 OTHER_BRAKE=1        # Fault determined by brake controller
uint8 OTHER_THROTTLE=2     # Fault determined by throttle controller
uint8 OTHER_STEERING=3     # Fault determined by steering controller
uint8 BRAKE_COUNTER=4      # Brake command counter failed to increment
uint8 BRAKE_DISABLED=5     # Brake transition to disabled while in gear or moving
uint8 BRAKE_COMMAND=6      # Brake command timeout after 100ms
uint8 BRAKE_REPORT=7       # Brake report timeout after 100ms
uint8 THROTTLE_COUNTER=8   # Throttle command counter failed to increment
uint8 THROTTLE_DISABLED=9  # Throttle transition to disabled while in gear or moving
uint8 THROTTLE_COMMAND=10  # Throttle command timeout after 100ms
uint8 THROTTLE_REPORT=11   # Throttle report timeout after 100ms
uint8 STEERING_COUNTER=12  # Steering command counter failed to increment
uint8 STEERING_DISABLED=13 # Steering transition to disabled while in gear or moving
uint8 STEERING_COMMAND=14  # Steering command timeout after 100ms
uint8 STEERING_REPORT=15   # Steering report timeout after 100ms