Template Struct HFNode
Defined in File hfield.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public coal::HFNodeBase
(Struct HFNodeBase)
Struct Documentation
template<typename BV>
struct HFNode : public coal::HFNodeBase Public Functions
inline bool overlap(const HFNode &other, const CollisionRequest &request, CoalScalar &sqrDistLowerBound) const
Check whether two BVNode collide.
inline CoalScalar distance(const HFNode &other, Vec3s *P1 = NULL, Vec3s *P2 = NULL) const
Compute the distance between two BVNode. P1 and P2, if not NULL and the underlying BV supports distance, return the nearest points.
inline coal::Matrix3s::IdentityReturnType getOrientation() const
Access to the orientation of the BV.
inline virtual ~HFNode()
inline bool overlap(const HFNode &other, const CollisionRequest &request, CoalScalar &sqrDistLowerBound) const