Class Transform3s

Class Documentation

class Transform3s

Simple transform class used locally by InterpMotion.

Public Functions

inline Transform3s()

Default transform is no movement.

template<typename Matrixx3Like, typename Vector3Like>
inline Transform3s(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrixx3Like> &R_, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Vector3Like> &T_)

Construct transform from rotation and translation.

template<typename Vector3Like>
inline Transform3s(const Quatf &q_, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Vector3Like> &T_)

Construct transform from rotation and translation.

inline Transform3s(const Matrix3s &R_)

Construct transform from rotation.

inline Transform3s(const Quatf &q_)

Construct transform from rotation.

inline Transform3s(const Vec3s &T_)

Construct transform from translation.

inline Transform3s(const Transform3s &tf)

Construct transform from other transform.

inline Transform3s &operator=(const Transform3s &tf)

operator =

inline const Vec3s &getTranslation() const

get translation

inline const Vec3s &translation() const

get translation

inline Vec3s &translation()

get translation

inline const Matrix3s &getRotation() const

get rotation

inline const Matrix3s &rotation() const

get rotation

inline Matrix3s &rotation()

get rotation

inline Quatf getQuatRotation() const

get quaternion

template<typename Matrix3Like, typename Vector3Like>
inline void setTransform(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Matrix3Like> &R_, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Vector3Like> &T_)

set transform from rotation and translation

inline void setTransform(const Quatf &q_, const Vec3s &T_)

set transform from rotation and translation

template<typename Derived>
inline void setRotation(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &R_)

set transform from rotation

template<typename Derived>
inline void setTranslation(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &T_)

set transform from translation

inline void setQuatRotation(const Quatf &q_)

set transform from rotation

template<typename Derived>
inline Vec3s transform(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) const

transform a given vector by the transform

template<typename Derived>
inline Vec3s inverseTransform(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &v) const

transform a given vector by the inverse of the transform

inline Transform3s &inverseInPlace()

inverse transform

inline Transform3s inverse()

inverse transform

inline Transform3s inverseTimes(const Transform3s &other) const

inverse the transform and multiply with another

inline const Transform3s &operator*=(const Transform3s &other)

multiply with another transform

inline Transform3s operator*(const Transform3s &other) const

multiply with another transform

inline bool isIdentity(const CoalScalar &prec = Eigen::NumTraits<CoalScalar>::dummy_precision()) const

check whether the transform is identity

inline void setIdentity()

set the transform to be identity transform

inline void setRandom()

set the transform to a random transform

inline bool operator==(const Transform3s &other) const
inline bool operator!=(const Transform3s &other) const

Public Static Functions

static inline Transform3s Identity()
static inline Transform3s Random()

return a random transform