<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package format="3">
  <description>rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that
   are published by <a href = "">diagnostic_aggregator</a>.
   rqt_robot_monitor is a direct port to rqt of
   <a href = "">robot_monitor</a>. All
   diagnostics are fall into one of three tree panes depending on the status of
   diagnostics (normal, warning, error/stale). Status are shown in trees to
   represent their hierarchy. Worse status dominates the higher level status.<br />
    Ex. 'Computer' category has 3 sub devices. 2 are green but 1 is error. Then
        'Computer' becomes error.
  You can look at the detail of each status by double-clicking the tree nodes.<br />

  Currently re-usable API to other pkgs are not explicitly provided.
  <maintainer email="">Aaron Blasdel</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">Arne Hitzmann</maintainer>
  <maintainer email="">Austin Hendrix</maintainer>


  <url type="website"></url>
  <url type="repository"></url>
  <url type="bugtracker"></url>

  <author>Austin Hendrix</author>
  <author>Isaac Saito</author>
  <author>Ze'ev Klapow</author>
  <author>Kevin Watts</author>
  <author>Josh Faust</author>


  <exec_depend version_gte="0.2.19">python_qt_binding</exec_depend>
  <exec_depend condition="$ROS_PYTHON_VERSION == 2">python-rospkg-modules</exec_depend>
  <exec_depend condition="$ROS_PYTHON_VERSION == 3">python3-rospkg-modules</exec_depend>

    <rqt_gui plugin="${prefix}/plugin.xml" />