Changelog for package rqt_dotgraph
Upcoming (Unreleased)
Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
Use main Statick package only. All plugins are now included in the main package.
Use automatic yes to apt install prompts.
Fixes issue with GitHub Actions timing out when installing dependencies via apt.
0.0.4 (2024-10-02)
Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
Use a Python virtual environment when installing Python dependencies with pip.
Fixes issue with GitHub Actions running on rolling, based on Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10.
0.0.3 (2024-10-02)
Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
First ROS 2 package release.
0.0.2 (2024-03-08)
Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
Tips for some runtime crashes due to missing dependencies. (#13)
Details about fixing plugin file not found error. (#9)
Run actions on a schedule or workflow_dispatch as well as pull request and push. (#10)
Update actions used in workflows. (#14)
Update CI to use newer versions of actions and test on multiple ROS distributions. (#12)
Update list of maintainers. (#18)
Add PySide2 and PyQt5 dependencies to package.xml. (#16)
Switch from hyphen to underscore in setup.cfg to avoid deprecated Python variables. (#11)
Explicitly specifying file encoding when opening a file with Python. Fixes pylint warning (Statick). (#6)
Continuous integration fixes.
Use setup-python and setup-node actions.
Remove sudo from pip install commands.
Add Jazzy to the ROS distribution matrix.
Remove version pinning for pycodestyle in workflow. (#15)
0.0.1 (2021-05-17)
Initial release of a ROS2 node and an rqt plugin for visualizing dot graph files.
Contributors: Alexander Xydes
Github actions workflow to test and lint the package.
Automatically zooming to fit dotgraph only the first time a graph is received on a topic. Zooming to fit upon loading dotgraph file.
Properly destroying old subscription.