rqt_console.message_proxy_model module
- class rqt_console.message_proxy_model.MessageProxyModel(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Provides sorting and filtering capabilities for the MessageDataModel.
Filtering is based on a collection of exclude and highlight filters.
- add_exclude_filter(newfilter)
- add_highlight_filter(newfilter)
- data(proxy_index, role=None)
Set colors of items based on highlight filters.
- delete_exclude_filter(index)
- delete_highlight_filter(index)
- filterAcceptsRow(sourcerow, sourceparent)
Filter accepts row.
- returns: True if the row does not match any exclude filter AND (_show_highlighted_only is
False OR it matches any highlight filter), ‘’bool’’
- handle_exclude_filters_changed()
Invalidate filters and trigger refiltering.
- handle_highlight_filters_changed()
Invalidate filters and trigger refiltering.
- setSourceModel(source_model)
- set_show_highlighted_only(show_highlighted_only)