py_trees_ros_tutorials.mock.battery module

Mock the state of a battery component.

class py_trees_ros_tutorials.mock.battery.Battery[source]

Bases: object

Mocks the processed battery state for a robot (/battery/sensor_state).

Node Name:
  • battery

  • ~state (sensor_msgs.msg.BatteryState)

    • full battery state information

Dynamic Parameters:
  • ~charging_percentage (float)

    • one-shot setter of the current battery percentage

  • ~charging (bool)

    • charging or discharging

  • ~charging_increment (float)

    • the current charging/discharging increment

On startup it is in a DISCHARGING state and updates every 200ms. Use the dashboard to dynamically reconfigure parameters.


Cleanup ROS components.


Timer callback that processes the battery state update and publishes.


Entry point for the mock batttery node.