Changelog for package moveit_visual_tools
4.1.2 (2025-02-01)
Enhancement/use hpp for headers based on PR (#147)
Contributors: Cihat Kurtuluş Altıparmak
4.1.1 (2024-11-29)
CI: Fix broken pre-commit action
CI: Return to custom cache action
Update status badges in README
Fix typo in warning message (#141)
CI: Fix ament_flake8 issues
CI: Update actions
Default state publisher topic to DISPLAY_ROBOT_STATE_TOPIC (#135)
Update GHA (#128)
publishTrajectoryLine(): issue error when no end-effector tips are found (#127)
Switch to clang-format-14 (#126)
Typo fix (#124)
Update (#122)
Humble CI and clang-format updates (#120)
Contributors: Henning Kayser, Mario Prats, Paul Draghicescu, Robert Haschke, Stephanie Eng, Vatan Aksoy Tezer, mosfet80
4.1.0 (2022-05-09)
4.0.0 (2021-09-27)
3.6.0 (2020-10-09)
[feature] Unified collision environment used (#54)
[feature] publish cuboids with size (#59)
[feature] hideRobot(): use new .hide member of DisplayRobotState msg (#56)
[feature] Use first trajectory point as start state for visualization (#49)
[feature] exposing the publishers to the user (#48)
[feature] Highlight selected links in publishRobotState() + improved collision visualization (#45)
[fix] Update to Noetic and fix various warnings (#79)
[fix] Fix Eigen alignment (#63)
[fix] missing end effector markers because clear (#51)
[fix] Remove #attempts from setFromIK (#43)
[documentation] Update (#69)
[documentation] update doc of hideRobot() (#64)
[maint] add soname version (#74)
[maint] Replace tf_conversions with tf2’s toMsg / fromMsg (#66)
[maint] fix clang-tidy issue (#68)
[maint] Cleanup (#65) * Replace robot_model and robot_state namespaces by moveit::core * Fix clang-tidy issues * Remove deprecated function
[maint] Bump required cmake version (#62)
[maint] moveit.rosinstall: use master branch for all deps (#57)
[maint] drop melodic + kinetic support for master branch (#58)
[maint] Fix Travis config + issues (#47)
[maint] Change ‘MoveIt!’ to MoveIt
Contributors: Bjar Ne, Dave Coleman, Henning Kayser, Jafar Abdi, Jens P, Mark Moll, Michael Görner, Mike Lautman, Robert Haschke, Tyler Weaver
3.5.2 (2018-12-10)
3.5.1 (2018-11-14)
Adding trigger call to animations when batch_publishing_enabled_ is enabled (#36)
Contributors: Mike Lautman
3.5.0 (2018-09-05)
Add Markdown ROS Buildfarm badges for Melodic
Fixing melodic branch with tf2 updates (#34)
Additional visualization (#31) * adding a visualization for publishing a box with width, height, and depth * adding additional publishCollisionCuboid method overloads * changing x,y,z to width, depth, height
Fixup CMakeLists and package.xml (#30)
Triggering UPDATE_GEOMETRY is sufficient, dont spinOnce - triggering UPDATE_SCENE leads to sending a full planning scene including all meshes. For all use-cases in this lib UPDATE_GEOMETRY is sufficient and sends only diffs - calling ros::spinOnce() in random places messes up the event queue (e.g. joint state updates being processed in gui thread instead of the async spinner thread)
Fix API compatibility by providing a default empty list of end-effector joints
Allow setting joint values for end-effector marker currently end-effector markers are based on the default robot state (ie all zero), this allows passing a vector of doubles for all active joint in the end-effector group Passing a new set of joint values will invalidate the cache but for our use-case this is neglectible and could be optimized later
Moved boost::shared_ptr to std for tf2
Converted to use tf2 moveit interfaces
Fix broken CI for Melodic
Fix Continuous Integration
Contributors: Dave Coleman, Ian McMahon, Mike Lautman, Simon Schmeisser
3.4.0 (2017-12-27)
Apply current MoveIt clang-format
Various improvements needed while finishing planning thesis
Fix greater than/less than issue in clearance check
Ability to specify clearance for random state
Small threading fixes
imarker: Fix setToRandomState() imarker: Switch to std::makeshared
Improve console output
Contributors: Dave Coleman, Mike Lautman
3.3.0 (2017-06-20)
Change error message to warning
Make planning scene monitor publicly exposed
Remove label from imarkers
Ability to move a collision object without removing it first
IMarkerRobotState: update imarkers location when setting robot state
IMarkerRobotState: Added setRobotState()
IMarkerRobotState: Renamed function publishRobotState()
MoveItVisualTools: renamed variable to psm_
Expose verbose collision checking
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.2.1 (2016-11-02)
New publishTrajectoryPath() functions
New publishTrajectoryLine() functions
getRobotState() return by reference
Trajectory path has smaller vertices
IMarkerRobotState: added isStateValid()
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.2.0 (2016-10-20)
Added publishState() to imarker_robot_state
New publishTrajectoryLine() function that automatically chooses end effectors to visualize
New collision table function that takes z input
Fixed callbacks for multiple EEFs
Allow for two end effectors
Ability to use two end effectors for interactive markers
Make ik solving at any end effector link, not just end of kinematic chain
Better debugging for collision
Only save when mouse up
Fix API for changes in rviz_visual_tools
Allow collision walls to have variable z location
Make applyVirtualJointTransform() static
Make checkForVirtualJoint() static
IMarkerRobotState remove offset capability
IMarkerRobotState remove imarker box control
Switched travis to MoveIt CI
Added new IMarker Robot control method
Cleaned up code base: catkin lint, roslint
Fixed bug in planning scene triggering
Optimize planning scene updates to only update GEOMETRY
Fix xacro
Upgrade to Eigen3 per ROS Kinetic requirements
New publishRobotState() function
Fix Eigen bugs
Removed deprecated code
Converted to C++11
Optional blocking publisher calls
Added getter for getRobotRootState()
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.1.0 (2016-04-28)
Re-factored and fixed visual tools demo!
Fixes for catkin lint
Fixes for roslint
Removed deprecated function call
Remove deprecated test
New root_robot_state utilization
Ablity to move a RobotState’s root frame permenatly around in the scene
Better publishCollisionWall() function
Deprecated old publishTrajectoryLine() functions - removed clear_all_markers argument
New publishTrajectoryPath() variant
Rename namespace of RobotState
Made INFO into DEBUG output
New publishTrajectoryLine function
Switched publishTrajectoryLine to use cylinders instead of lines
New showJointLimits() function for console debugging a robot state
Fix publishTrajectoryPath() bug
Default blocking time for trajectory if not parameterized
Publish workspace parameters was incorrectly creating a collision object
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.5 (2016-02-09)
Updated README
Better comment
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.4 (2016-01-12)
Removed stray debug output
Improved debugging output for the hideRobot() feature and virtual_joints
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.3 (2016-01-10)
Renamed test to demo
New publishTrajectoryLine() function
Fix travis
Deprecated loadEEMarker() that uses string
Formatted code
Switched from MOVEIT deprecated to RVIZ_VISUAL_TOOLS deprecated
Fixed shared_robot_state to initialize correctly every time
Switched to using name_ variables
Add error checks to publishTrajectoryLine
Added ability for publishTrajectoryLine to clear all previous markers
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.2 (2015-12-27)
Updated README
Temp fix missing variable
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.1 (2015-12-05)
catkin lint cleanup
Fix travis
Contributors: Dave Coleman
3.0.0 (2015-12-02)
Release 3.0
Added travis support
fix the how to link a demo img
Updated link to Doxygen API description
Formatting and better debug output
Fix hide robot bug
Remove incompatible humanoid function
Default color when publishing collision meshes
Added error check for bad value
API change for removal of shape_tools
New publish trajectory line function
Remove slash from topic name
Removed mute functionality
Improved loading efficiency
publishContactPoints accepts a color
Change topics to default when opening Rviz
New publishCollisionMesh() function
Changed publishCollisionMesh() API
Renamed publishCollisionRectangle to publishCollisionCuboid()
Updated rviz_visual_tools API
New publishMesh from ROS msg function
publishRobotState() for a RobotStateMsg now allows color
publishTrajectoryPath() for a ROS msg now requires a RobotState
New method for attaching collision objects that does not require a publisher
Specify scene name and cleanup logging
Fixed error checking for hideRobot() function
loadTrajectoryPub() allows custom topic
New publishTrajectoryPoints() function
New publishContactPoints function
New publishTrajectoryPath() function
New getRobotModel() function
New ability to visualize IK solutions with arbitrary virtual joint
API Broken: ability to have different end effectors for different arms, auto EE marker loading
Publish collision meshes
Added check for virtual joint
Fixed which arrow gets published
Publish fixed link arrows to show footstep locations
Ability to specify robot_state_topic without loading the publisher
Contributors: Dave Coleman, Daiki Maekawa, simonschmeisser
2.2.0 (2015-01-07)
Code cleanup
Improved naming
Joint model bug fix
Improved speed of sending collision objects to Rviz Added Manual planning scene update mode Ability to apply colors to all collision objects (YAY) API: removed removeAllCollisionObjectsPS function Removed loadPlanningPub() function Removed publishRemoveAllCollisionObjects() function
Added backwards compatibile loadCollisionSceneFromFile()
New publishCollisionRectangle function API: Changed loadCollisionSceneFromFile() to accept a pose instead of x,y
Fix for renamed function
New publishWorkspaceParameters() function
Added ability to publish robot states with color
Fixed install method
Merge pull request #5 from robomakery/feature/fix-collision-objects-test
Fixes for missing declarations in collision_objects_test.cpp
Refactored how collision ojects are published Created new collision objects test and roslaunch file Optimized header file Removed loadCollisionPub() function Fixed publishCollisionFloor Added publishCollisionRectangle
Contributors: Dave Coleman, Dylan Vaughn
2.1.0 (2014-10-31)
Fix for upstream change of RvizVisualTools
Set animation speed of grasps
Fix publishing end effector
New publishCollisionObjectMsg() function
New getSharedRobotState() accessor function
Consolidated publish marker functions
Fixed loadEEMarker() to be called more than once
Contributors: Dave Coleman
2.0.0 (2014-10-27)
Updated README
API Upgrade Notes
Renamed to have ‘MoveIt’ prefix in class and file name, moved base functionality to rviz_visual_tools
Added new publishSphere function and publish_sphere test script
Created better test script
Better static_id handling for publishText
Added mainpage for API docs
Enabled colors
Improved integer random num generation
New publishSpheres functions
Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.3.0 (2014-09-17)
Added new getRandColor() function
Added two new publishSphere() functions
New convertPointToPose function
Reduced sleep timer for starting all publishers from 0.5 seconds to 0.2 seconds
Removed stacktrace tool because already exists in moveit_core
New publishText function that allows custom scale and id number be passed in
Removed deprecated getEEParentLink() function
Added new scale sizes
Added new processCollisionObvMsg()
Added new setPlanningSceneMonitor()
Deprecated removeAllColisionObejcts()
Created new removeAllCollisionObjectsPS()
Added new publishCollisionFloor()
Added new loadCollisionSceneFromFile()
New color purple
Added new setBaseFrame() function
Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.2.1 (2014-08-11)
Renamed base_link to base_frame
Added new getBaseFrame() function
Deprecated getBaseLink() function
Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.2.0 (2014-08-08)
Added XXLarge size
Added global_scale feature
Added hideRobot() functionality
Added removeAllCollisionObjects from planning scene monitor
Added publishCollisionSceneFromFile function
Contributors: Dave Coleman
1.1.0 (2014-07-31)
Bug fixes
Fixed convertPoint32ToPose
Added scale to publishText
New publishPolygon, publishMarker, convertPose, convertPointToPose, and convertPoint32 functions
New deleteAllMarkers, publishPath, publishSpheres, and convertPoseToPoint functions
Added getCollisionWall
Made lines darker
Added reset marker feature
Namespaces for publishSphere
New publishTrajectory function
Merging features from OMPL viewer
Refactored functions, new robot_model intialization
Added more rand functions and made them static
Added graph_msgs generated messages dependence so it waits for it to be compiled
Updated README
Contributors: Dave Coleman, Sammy Pfeiffer
1.0.1 (2014-05-30)
Updated README
Indigo support
Fix for strict cppcheck and g++ warnings/errors
Compatibilty fix for Eigen package in ROS Indigo
Fix uninitialized
Fix functions with no return statement and other cppcheck errors
Contributors: Bence Magyar, Dave Coleman, Jordi Pages
1.0.0 (2014-05-05)
Enabled dual arm manipulation
Removed notions of a global planning group, ee group name, or ee parent link.
Changed functionality of loadEEMarker
Added new print function
Made getPlanningSceneMonitor() private function
Renamed loadPathPub()
Added tool for visualizing unmangled stack trace
Created function for publishing non-animated grasps
Created new publishGraph function. Renamed publishCollisionTree to publishCollisionGraph
Created functions for loading publishers with a delay
Removed old method of removing all collision objects
Created better testing functionality
Changed return type from void to bool for many functions
Changed way trajectory is timed
Created new publishIKSolutions() function for grasp poses, etc
Added new MoveIt robot state functionality
Added visualize grasp functionality
Removed unnecessary run dependencies
Updated README
0.2.0 (2014-04-11)
Improved header comments are re-ordered functions into groups
Started to create new trajectory point publisher
Added getBaseLink function
Added dependency on graph_msgs
Added new collision cylinder functionality
Created example code in README
Renamed visualization to visual keyword
Updated README
0.1.0 (2014-04-04)
Split moveit_visual_tools from its original usage within block_grasp_generator package