Class Servo

Class Documentation

class Servo

Public Functions

Servo(const rclcpp::Node::SharedPtr &node, std::shared_ptr<const servo::ParamListener> servo_param_listener, const planning_scene_monitor::PlanningSceneMonitorPtr &planning_scene_monitor)
Servo(const Servo&) = delete
Servo &operator=(Servo&) = delete
KinematicState getNextJointState(const moveit::core::RobotStatePtr &robot_state, const ServoInput &command)

Computes the joint state required to follow the given command.

  • robot_state – RobotStatePtr instance used for calculating the next joint state.

  • command – The command to follow, std::variant type, can handle JointJog, Twist and Pose.


The required joint state.

void setCommandType(const CommandType &command_type)

Set the type of incoming servo command.


command_type – The type of command servo should expect.

CommandType getCommandType() const

Get the type of command that servo is currently expecting.


The type of command.

StatusCode getStatus() const

Get the current status of servo.


The current status.

std::string getStatusMessage() const

Get the message associated with the current servo status.


The status message.

void setCollisionChecking(const bool check_collision)

Start/Stop collision checking thread.


check_collision – Stops collision checking thread if false, starts it if true.

servo::Params &getParams()

Returns the most recent servo parameters.


The servo parameters.

KinematicState getCurrentRobotState(bool block_for_current_state) const

Get the current state of the robot as given by planning scene monitor. This may block if a current robot state is not available immediately.


block_for_current_state – If true, we explicitly wait for a new robot state


The current state of the robot.

std::pair<bool, KinematicState> smoothHalt(const KinematicState &halt_state)

Smoothly halt at a commanded state when command goes stale.


halt_state – The desired halting state.


A pair where the first element is a Boolean indicating whether the robot has stopped, and the second is a state stepping towards the desired halting state.

void doSmoothing(KinematicState &state)

Applies smoothing to an input state, if a smoothing plugin is set.


state – The state to be updated by the smoothing plugin.

void resetSmoothing(const KinematicState &state)

Resets the smoothing plugin, if set, to a specified state.


state – The desired state to reset the smoothing plugin to.