Class Servo
Defined in File servo.hpp
Class Documentation
class Servo
Public Functions
KinematicState getNextJointState(const moveit::core::RobotStatePtr &robot_state, const ServoInput &command)
Computes the joint state required to follow the given command.
- Parameters:
robot_state – RobotStatePtr instance used for calculating the next joint state.
command – The command to follow, std::variant type, can handle JointJog, Twist and Pose.
- Returns:
The required joint state.
void setCommandType(const CommandType &command_type)
Set the type of incoming servo command.
- Parameters:
command_type – The type of command servo should expect.
CommandType getCommandType() const
Get the type of command that servo is currently expecting.
- Returns:
The type of command.
StatusCode getStatus() const
Get the current status of servo.
- Returns:
The current status.
std::string getStatusMessage() const
Get the message associated with the current servo status.
- Returns:
The status message.
void setCollisionChecking(const bool check_collision)
Start/Stop collision checking thread.
- Parameters:
check_collision – Stops collision checking thread if false, starts it if true.
servo::Params &getParams()
Returns the most recent servo parameters.
- Returns:
The servo parameters.
KinematicState getCurrentRobotState(bool block_for_current_state) const
Get the current state of the robot as given by planning scene monitor. This may block if a current robot state is not available immediately.
- Parameters:
block_for_current_state – If true, we explicitly wait for a new robot state
- Returns:
The current state of the robot.
std::pair<bool, KinematicState> smoothHalt(const KinematicState &halt_state)
Smoothly halt at a commanded state when command goes stale.
- Parameters:
halt_state – The desired halting state.
- Returns:
A pair where the first element is a Boolean indicating whether the robot has stopped, and the second is a state stepping towards the desired halting state.
void doSmoothing(KinematicState &state)
Applies smoothing to an input state, if a smoothing plugin is set.
- Parameters:
state – The state to be updated by the smoothing plugin.
void resetSmoothing(const KinematicState &state)
Resets the smoothing plugin, if set, to a specified state.
- Parameters:
state – The desired state to reset the smoothing plugin to.