Function moveit_ros::trajectory_cache::restateInNewFrame

Function Documentation

moveit::core::MoveItErrorCode moveit_ros::trajectory_cache::restateInNewFrame(const std::shared_ptr<tf2_ros::Buffer> &tf, const std::string &target_frame, const std::string &source_frame, geometry_msgs::msg::Point *translation, geometry_msgs::msg::Quaternion *rotation, const tf2::TimePoint &lookup_time = tf2::TimePointZero)

Restates a translation and rotation in a new frame.

  • tf.[in] The transform buffer to use.

  • target_frame.[in] The frame to restate in.

  • source_frame.[in] The frame to restate from.

  • translation.[inout] The translation to restate. Ignored if nullptr.

  • rotation.[inout] The rotation to restate. Ignored if nullptr.


MoveItErrorCode::SUCCESS if successfully restated. Otherwise, will return return MoveItErrorCode::FRAME_TRANSFORM_FAILURE if the transform could not be retrieved.