launch_ros.actions.set_parameter module
Module for the SetParameter action.
- class launch_ros.actions.set_parameter.SetParameter(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)
Action that sets a parameter in the current context.
This parameter will be set in all the nodes launched in the same scope. e.g.: ```python3
- LaunchDescription([
…, GroupAction(
- actions = [
…, SetParameter(name=’my_param’, value=’2’), …, Node(…), // the param will be passed to this node …,
), Node(…), // here it won’t be passed, as it’s not in the same scope …
- execute(context: launch.launch_context.LaunchContext)
Execute the action.
- property name: Sequence[launch.substitution.Substitution]
Getter for name.
- classmethod parse(entity: launch.frontend.Entity, parser: launch.frontend.Parser)
Return SetParameter action and kwargs for constructing it.
- property value: Sequence[launch.substitution.Substitution] | Sequence[Sequence[launch.substitution.Substitution]] | str | int | float | bool | Sequence[str] | Sequence[int] | Sequence[float] | Sequence[bool] | bytes | ParameterValue
Getter for value.
- launch_ros.actions.set_parameter.expose_action(_)