Changelog for package laser_segmentation
3.0.3 (06-02-2025)
First jazzy release.
3.0.2 (31-07-2024)
Update to use modern CMake idioms.
3.0.1 (12-06-2024)
Remove nav2_util dependency.
3.0.0 (08-03-2024)
Improve formatting.
Improve documentation of source.
Converted to Lifecycle node.
Converted to component.
Rename header and source files.
Move parameters to new class: parameterHandler.
Rename show_visualization to create_segment_viz_points.
Fix jump distance merge.
Add unit testing.
2.1.2 (23-06-2023)
Rename visualization topic.
2.1.1 (29-11-2022)
Add hierarchy between segmentationJumpDistance and segmentationJumpDistanceMerge to avoid code redundancy.
Rise up centroids visualization.
2.1.0 (28-11-2022)
Added include to find slg_msgs library.
Added launch with some non-default param values.
Minor changes to configuration info display.
Added params folder with two yaml config files.
Launch file now relies on config files, it is its only argument.
Minor changes to range values in laser_segmentation paramas to accept smaller granularity.
Added rviz CUBE marker with segment centroids.
Reunited all markers into a single topic, using three namespaces.
Added license.
2.0.0 (15-10-2022)
First ROS2 (Humble) version.
Contributors: Manuel Fernandez-Carmona
1.2.1 (20-10-2022)
Rename segment_topic to segments_topic.
1.2.0 (03-05-2022)
Added noise reduction parameter.
Push a delete marker before the others. I hope this fix the RViz problem.
1.1.3 (13-01-2022)
Refactoring jump distance and jump distance merge.
Added jump between points with NaN values.
Fix merge of first and last segments.
1.1.2 (12-01-2022)
Update simple_laser_geometry to 3.2.0.
Checking of NaN points.
Change lifetime of markers.
1.1.1 (23-12-2021)
Check publisher before doing any calculations.
1.1.0 (15-12-2021)
Change segment marker to markerArray.
Publish id of the segment as markerArray.
Change the color palette.
Fix jump distance merge.
1.0.1 (15-12-2021)
Update simple_laser_geometry to 3.0.0.
1.0.0 (14-12-2021)
Changes to new simple laser geometry library.
Add max width filter.
Remove readDataPoints.
Added option to select threshold method.
Update dynamic jump distance methods.
Improve jump distance merge.
0.0.0 (-)
Initial release.
Added laserSegmentation class (.h and .cpp files).
Added segmentationJumpDistance class (.h and .cpp files).
Added segmentationJumpDistanceMerge class (.h and .cpp files).
Added SegmentationParameters.cfg configuration files.
Added launch files.
Contributors: Alberto Tudela