
This package contains a number of ROS 2 components and nodes for viewing image topics.

Viewing a Single Image Topic

ros 2 run image_view image_view --ros-args -r image:=<image topic>

For example, to view raw images on the topic /camera/image, use:

ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args -r image:=/camera/image

You may save the current image by right-clicking on the display window. By default, images will be saved as frame0000.jpg, frame0001.jpg, ….

If you want to view a compressed image stream (usually a good idea over wireless!) using the capabilities of image_transport, specify the transport type as a command-line parameter. For example, if theora_image_transport is built on the publisher’s side, you can use theora transport:

ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args -r image:=/camera/image -p image_transport:=theora

Viewing Stereo Images

ros2 run image_view stereo_view --ros-args -p stereo:=<stereo namespace> -p image:=<image topic identifier>

For example, to view stereo image pairs on topics /my_stereo_cam/left/image_rect_color and /my_stereo_cam/right/image_rect_color, use:

ros2 run image_view stereo_view --ros-args -r stereo:=/my_stereo_cam -r image:=image_rect_color
stereo_view also shows the disparity image computed from the stereo pair

color-mapped for clarity.

You may save the current image pair by right-clicking on any display window. By default, images will be saved as left0000.jpg, right0000.jpg, disp0000.jpg, left0001.jpg, right0001.jpg, disp0001.jpg…. As with image_view, you can specify an image transport to use for the left and right image as an optional parameter.

Indices and tables