ROS 2 Domain Bridge
A ROS 2 domain bridge. Bridges ROS communication between different ROS domain IDs.
See the design document for more details about how the bridge works.
ROS 2 (Galactic or newer)
Ubuntu 20.04
with the ROS codename (e.g. galactic
sudo apt install ros-$ROS_DISTRO-domain-bridge
From source
colcon (colcon_cmake)
mkdir -p domain_bridge_ws/src
cd domain_bridge_ws
git clone src/
colcon build
There is a standalone executable that can be configured via a YAML file.
You must provide the path to a YAML configuration file as the last argument to the executable. For example,
ros2 run domain_bridge domain_bridge examples/example_bridge_config.yaml
There are also options to override the domain IDs set for all entities in the YAML config, for example,
ros2 run domain_bridge domain_bridge --from 7 --to 8 examples/example_bridge_config.yaml
Use the --help
option for more usage information:
ros2 run domain_bridge domain_bridge --help
You can also load composable nodes alongside the domain bridge to allow for intra-process communication.
Use the extra argument domain_id
to set the domain ID for each loaded component:
ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Talker -e domain_id:=1
ros2 component load /ComponentManager composition composition::Listener -e domain_id:=2
You can also use the example launch script, which takes a required launch argument config
ros2 launch domain_bridge domain_bridge.launch.xml config:=examples/example_bridge_config.yaml
You can also override domain IDs with optional launch arguments from_domain
and to_domain
To reverse the from
and to
domain IDs for a topic, set the reversed
argument to true
To enable bidirectional bridging of a topic, set the bidirectional
argument to true
Here is an example of including the domain bridge launch script into your own:
<include file="$(find-pkg-share domain_bridge)/launch/domain_bridge.launch.xml">
<arg name="config" value="$(find-pkg-share domain_bridge)/examples/example_bridge_config.yaml" />
<!-- Optionally override domain IDs -->
<arg name="from_domain" value="42" />
<arg name="to_domain" value="43" />
C++ library
There is a C++ API that can be integrated into your own process, you can find the API docs here.