This is the complete list of members for rtabmap::CameraVideo, including all inherited members.
_capture | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_filePath | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_fourcc | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_frameRate | rtabmap::SensorCapture | private |
_frameRateTimer | rtabmap::SensorCapture | private |
_guid | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_height | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_localTransform | rtabmap::SensorCapture | private |
_model | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_rectifyImages | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_seq | rtabmap::SensorCapture | private |
_src | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_usbDevice | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
_width | rtabmap::CameraVideo | private |
Camera(float imageRate=0, const Transform &localTransform=Transform::getIdentity()) | rtabmap::Camera | protected |
CameraVideo(int usbDevice=0, bool rectifyImages=false, float imageRate=0, const Transform &localTransform=Transform::getIdentity()) | rtabmap::CameraVideo | |
CameraVideo(const std::string &filePath, bool rectifyImages=false, float imageRate=0, const Transform &localTransform=Transform::getIdentity()) | rtabmap::CameraVideo | |
captureData(SensorCaptureInfo *info=0) | rtabmap::Camera | inlineprivatevirtual |
captureImage(SensorCaptureInfo *info=0) | rtabmap::CameraVideo | protectedvirtual |
getFilePath() const | rtabmap::CameraVideo | inline |
getFrameRate() const | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inline |
getImageRate() const | rtabmap::Camera | inline |
getLocalTransform() const | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inline |
getNextSeqID() | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inlineprotected |
getPose(double stamp, Transform &pose, cv::Mat &covariance, double maxWaitTime=0.06) | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inlinevirtual |
getSerial() const | rtabmap::CameraVideo | virtual |
getUsbDevice() const | rtabmap::CameraVideo | inline |
imuFilter_ | rtabmap::Camera | private |
init(const std::string &calibrationFolder=".", const std::string &cameraName="") | rtabmap::CameraVideo | virtual |
initFromFile(const std::string &calibrationPath) | rtabmap::Camera | |
isCalibrated() const | rtabmap::CameraVideo | virtual |
isInterIMUPublishing() const | rtabmap::Camera | inline |
kUsbDevice enum value | rtabmap::CameraVideo | |
kVideoFile enum value | rtabmap::CameraVideo | |
odomProvided() const | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inlinevirtual |
postInterIMU(const IMU &imu, double stamp) | rtabmap::Camera | protected |
publishInterIMU_ | rtabmap::Camera | private |
resetTimer() | rtabmap::SensorCapture | |
SensorCapture(float frameRate=0, const Transform &localTransform=Transform::getIdentity()) | rtabmap::SensorCapture | protected |
setFOURCC(const std::string &fourcc) | rtabmap::CameraVideo | inline |
setFrameRate(float frameRate) | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inline |
setImageRate(float imageRate) | rtabmap::Camera | inline |
setInterIMUPublishing(bool enabled, IMUFilter *filter=0) | rtabmap::Camera | |
setLocalTransform(const Transform &localTransform) | rtabmap::SensorCapture | inline |
setResolution(int width, int height) | rtabmap::CameraVideo | inline |
Source enum name | rtabmap::CameraVideo | |
takeData(SensorCaptureInfo *info=0) | rtabmap::SensorCapture | |
takeImage(SensorCaptureInfo *info=0) | rtabmap::Camera | inline |
~Camera() | rtabmap::Camera | virtual |
~CameraVideo() | rtabmap::CameraVideo | virtual |
~SensorCapture() | rtabmap::SensorCapture | virtual |