Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Crosbag::BagCallbackT< T >
 Crosbag::BagCallbackT< MessageInstance >
 Crosbag::BagQueryPairs of queries and the bags they come from (used internally by View)
 Crosbag::ChunkedFileChunkedFile reads and writes files which contain interleaved chunks of compressed and uncompressed data
 Cros::message_traits::DataType< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 Cros::message_traits::Definition< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 Cros::Exception [external]
 Crosbag::BagExceptionBase class for rosbag exceptions
 Crosbag::BagFormatExceptionException thrown on problems reading the bag format
 Crosbag::BagIOExceptionException thrown when on IO problems
 Crosbag::BagUnindexedExceptionException thrown on problems reading the bag index
 Crosbag::View::iteratorAn iterator that points to a MessageInstance from a bag
 Cros::message_traits::MD5Sum< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 Crosbag::MessageInstanceA class pointing into a bag file
 Cros::serialization::Serializer< rosbag::MessageInstance >
 Crosbag::ViewIterHelperThe actual iterator data structure

Author(s): Dirk Thomas , Jacob Perron
autogenerated on Sat Sep 14 2024 02:59:52